Python math.gamma()

The gamma function in Python's math module is used to compute the Gamma function of a given value.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Importing the math Module
  3. gamma Function Syntax
  4. Examples
    • Basic Usage
    • Calculating Gamma for Integer Values
    • Calculating Gamma for Non-Integer Values
  5. Real-World Use Case
  6. Conclusion
  7. Reference


The gamma function in Python's math module allows you to compute the Gamma function for a given value.

This function is an extension of the factorial function to real and complex numbers, and it is essential in various fields such as probability, statistics, and complex analysis.

Importing the math Module

Before using the gamma function, you need to import the math module.

import math

gamma Function Syntax

The syntax for the gamma function is as follows:



  • x: A numeric value.


  • The Gamma function of x.


Basic Usage

To demonstrate the basic usage of gamma, we will compute the Gamma function of a few values.


import math

# Computing the Gamma function of 5
result = math.gamma(5)
print(result)  # Output: 24.0

# Computing the Gamma function of 2.5
result = math.gamma(2.5)
print(result)  # Output: 1.329340388179137

# Computing the Gamma function of -0.5
result = math.gamma(-0.5)
print(result)  # Output: -3.544907701811032



Calculating Gamma for Integer Values

This example demonstrates how to use the gamma function to calculate the Gamma function for integer values, which is equivalent to the factorial of ( n-1 ).


import math

# Gamma function for 6 (equivalent to 5!)
result = math.gamma(6)
print(f"Gamma(6): {result}")  # Output: 120.0

# Gamma function for 4 (equivalent to 3!)
result = math.gamma(4)
print(f"Gamma(4): {result}")  # Output: 6.0


Gamma(6): 120.0
Gamma(4): 6.0

Calculating Gamma for Non-Integer Values

This example demonstrates how to use the gamma function to calculate the Gamma function for non-integer values.


import math

# Gamma function for 2.5
result = math.gamma(2.5)
print(f"Gamma(2.5): {result}")  # Output: 1.329340388179137

# Gamma function for 3.7
result = math.gamma(3.7)
print(f"Gamma(3.7): {result}")  # Output: 3.788536973131016


Gamma(2.5): 1.3293403881791372
Gamma(3.7): 4.170651783796603

Real-World Use Case

Probability: Using Gamma Distribution

In probability and statistics, the Gamma function is used in the Gamma distribution, which is a two-parameter family of continuous probability distributions.


import math

# Parameters for the Gamma distribution
shape = 2.0
scale = 1.0

# Function to compute the Gamma distribution probability density function
def gamma_pdf(x, shape, scale):
    return (x**(shape-1) * math.exp(-x/scale)) / (math.gamma(shape) * scale**shape)

# Calculating the PDF for a given value
x = 3.0
pdf_value = gamma_pdf(x, shape, scale)
print(f"Gamma PDF value at x={x}: {pdf_value}")


Gamma PDF value at x=3.0: 0.14936120510359183


The gamma function in Python's math module is used to compute the Gamma function of a given value. This function is useful in various numerical and data processing applications, particularly those involving probability distributions, statistical analysis, and complex mathematical functions. Proper usage of this function can enhance the accuracy and efficiency of your computations.


Python Math gamma Function


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