JSP Quiz - MCQ - Multiple Choice Questions

Welcome to our JSP (JavaServer Pages) quiz! This blog post presents a set of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) to test your knowledge of JSP concepts. JSP is a technology used to develop dynamic web pages in Java. Let's dive in and put your JSP skills to the test!.

Learn everything about JSP: JSP Tutorial

Learn and Master Java Programming: Learn Java Programming with Examples

Check out 100+ quiz questions: 100+ Quiz Questions to Test Your Java, Spring Boot, Microservices, Hibernate, REST API Skills

The answer and explanation of each question have given at the end of this post.

1. In JSP, which directive is used to import Java packages or classes into a JSP page? 

a) <jsp:useBean>
b) <jsp:directive.page> 
c) <%@ page import %> 
d) <jsp:include>

2. Which implicit object in JSP represents the client's requested information? 

a) request 
b) response 
c) out 
d) session

3. Which JSP action is used to include the contents of another resource during the JSP page processing? 

a) <jsp:include> 
b) <jsp:forward> 
c) <jsp:useBean> 
d) <jsp:setProperty> 

4. In JSP, which tag is used to iterate over a collection or array of objects? 

a) <c:choose> 
b) <c:forEach> 
c) <c:if> 
d) <c:set> 

5. What is the correct syntax for declaring and initializing a variable in JSP? 

a) <% int x = 10; %> 
b) <%! int x = 10; %> 
c) <% int x; x = 10; %> 
d) <% int x; x := 10; %>

6. Which is the correct Syntax of the JSP Declaration Tag?

a) <% statement; [statement; …] %>
b) <%!  Declaration %>
c) <%= Declaration %>
d) <% Declaration !%> 

7. What is the default scope of JSP variables? 

a) Request scope

b) Session scope 

c) Application scope 

d) Page scope

8. What is the purpose of JSP expression language (EL)? 

a) To perform mathematical calculations on JSP pages 

b) To include Java code snippets in JSP pages 

c) To evaluate and display values on JSP pages 

d) To handle user input on JSP pages

9. Which JSP tag library provides tags for working with database operations? 

a) JSTL (JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library) 

b) JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) 

c) Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 

d) Java Persistence API (JPA)

10.  In JSP, the request implicit object of the following class?

a) javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse
b) javax.servlet.http.HttpSession
c) javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
d) javax.servlet.ServletConfig


Question 1

Correct Answer: 

c) <%@ page import %> 


The <%@ page import %> directive is used to import Java packages or classes into a JSP page. It allows you to access classes and methods from imported packages or classes within the JSP. 

Question 2

Correct Answer: 

a) request 


The request implicit object in JSP represents the client's request information. It provides methods to access parameters, headers, cookies, and other request-related data. 

Question 3 

Correct Answer: 

a) <jsp:include> 


The <jsp:include> action is used to include the contents of another resource (JSP page, HTML file, or servlet) during the JSP page processing. It allows you to reuse code or include dynamic content from other sources. 

Question 4

Correct Answer: 

b) <c:forEach> 


The <c:forEach> tag is used to iterate over a collection or array of objects in JSP. It provides a convenient way to loop through elements and perform actions on each element. 

Question 5

Correct Answer: 

c) <% int x; x = 10; %> 


The correct syntax for declaring and initializing a variable in JSP is <% int x; x = 10; %>. This syntax declares a variable x and assigns it the value of 10. 

Question 6 

Correct Answer: 

b) <%!  Declaration %>

Question 7

Correct Answer: 

d) Page scope


The default scope of JSP variables is page scope, which means the variables are accessible only within the current JSP page.

Question 8

Correct Answer: 

c) To evaluate and display values in JSP pages.


The JSP expression language (EL) allows for the evaluation of expressions and the display of values in JSP pages.

Question 9 

Correct Answer: 

a) JSTL (JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library).


JSTL provides a set of custom tags for common tasks, including working with database operations.

Question 10 

Correct Answer: 

c) javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest


The request implicit object is an instance of javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest.


Congratulations on completing the JSP Quiz! We hope it challenged your knowledge of JSP concepts and helped you brush up on your skills. JSP is a powerful technology for developing dynamic web pages in Java and mastering its concepts is essential for building robust web applications. 
Remember to continue practicing and exploring JSP concepts to enhance your proficiency. Stay curious and keep learning!
