Servlet Quiz - MCQ - Multiple Choice Questions

Welcome to our Java Servlet quiz! This blog post presents a set of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) to test your knowledge of Java Servlet concepts.

Learn Java Servlets: Servlet Tutorial

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Check out 100+ quiz questions: 100+ Quiz Questions to Test Your Java, Spring Boot, Microservices, Hibernate, REST API Skills

The answer and explanation of each question have given at the end of this post.

1. What is a servlet in Java? 

a) A programming language 

b) A scripting language 

c) A server-side technology for Java web applications 

d) A database management system 

2. Which interface must a Java class implement to create a servlet? 

a) Servlet

b) HttpServlet 

c) ServletConfig 

d) ServletRequest 

3. Which HTTP method is used to retrieve data from a server using a servlet? 

a) GET 

b) POST 

c) PUT 


4. Which of the following is true about servlet containers? 

a) They are used to compile servlets into bytecode 

b) They are responsible for managing the lifecycle of servlets 

c) They are part of the Java Development Kit (JDK) 

d) They are used for storing servlet-related data 

5. Which method in the HttpServlet class is used to handle HTTP GET requests? 

a) doGet() 

b) doPost() 

c) service() 

d) init() 

6. Which object provides information about the client's request to a servlet? 

a) ServletConfig 

b) HttpServletRequest 

c) HttpServletResponse 

d) ServletContext 

7. What is the purpose of the web.xml file in a servlet-based web application? 

a) To define the HTML structure of web pages 

b) To configure the servlet container and servlet mappings 

c) To store client-side JavaScript code 

d) To define the database schema 

8. Which of the following is true about servlet threading? 

a) Each servlet instance runs in a separate thread 

b) All servlet instances run in the same thread 

c) Servlets do not support multithreading 

d) Servlets always run in parallel threads 

9. How can a servlet send data back to the client? 

a) By calling the forward() method 

b) By using the println() method of the PrintWriter class 

c) By invoking the getRequestDispatcher() method 

d) By setting response headers 

10. Which of the following is NOT a valid method to initialize a servlet? 

a) Using the init() method 

b) Using the @WebServlet annotation 

c) Using the web.xml deployment descriptor 

d) Using the doGet() method

11. Which object is used to obtain initialization parameters in a servlet? 

a) ServletConfig 

b) HttpServletRequest 

c) HttpServletResponse 

d) ServletContext 

12. What is the purpose of the doPost() method in a servlet? 

a) To handle HTTP POST requests 

b) To initialize the servlet 

c) To handle HTTP GET requests 

d) To forward the request to another resource 

13. Which method is used to include the content of another resource during servlet processing? 

a) include() 

b) import() 

c) use() 

d) forward() 

14. Which servlet API method is called before a servlet instance is destroyed? 

a) init() 

b) destroy() 

c) service() 

d) doGet() 

15. What is the purpose of the ServletContext object? 

a) To hold client session information 

b) To process client requests 

c) To manage the lifecycle of servlet instances 

d) To provide a shared context for servlets within a web application 

16. What is the purpose of the RequestDispatcher interface in a servlet? 

a) To handle HTTP request headers 

b) To retrieve client cookies 

c) To forward or include requests to other resources 

d) To manage servlet configuration settings 

17. Which of the following is NOT a valid method of session tracking in servlets? 

a) Cookies 

b) URL rewriting 

c) Hidden form fields 

d) Query parameters 

18. What is the purpose of the ServletResponse object in a servlet? 

a) To handle client requests 

b) To obtain initialization parameters 

c) To store session data 

d) To send data back to the client 

19. Which Java package provides the classes and interfaces for servlets? 



c) javax.servlet 

d) java.lang

Answers and Explanations

Question 1


c) A server-side technology for Java web applications. 


A servlet is a Java class that extends the functionality of a web server and handles client requests and generates dynamic responses. 

Question 2


a) Servlet. 


To create a servlet, a Java class must implement the Servlet interface. However, it is more common to extend the HttpServlet class, which provides additional functionality for handling HTTP requests. 

Question 3


a) GET. 


The GET method is used to retrieve data from a server using a servlet. It is commonly used for fetching data or rendering web pages. 

Question 4


b) They are responsible for managing the lifecycle of servlets. 


Servlet containers, also known as servlet engines or web containers, are responsible for managing the lifecycle of servlets, handling requests, and providing various services to servlets. 

Question 5


a) doGet(). 


The doGet() method in the HttpServlet class is used to handle HTTP GET requests. It is where you can write the code to process and respond to GET requests. 

Question 6


b) HttpServletRequest. 


The HttpServletRequest object provides information about the client's request to a servlet, including parameters, headers, cookies, and more.

Question 7


b) To configure the servlet container and servlet mappings.


The web.xml file is an XML-based configuration file used to configure the servlet container and define servlet mappings, initialization parameters, security constraints, and more in a servlet-based web application. 

Question 8


a) Each servlet instance runs in a separate thread. 


Servlets are multithreaded, meaning that each request to a servlet typically runs in a separate thread. This allows concurrent handling of multiple client requests. 

Question 9


b) By using the println() method of the PrintWriter class. 


A servlet can send data back to the client by writing the response content using the PrintWriter object obtained from the HttpServletResponse object and its println() method.

Question 10


d) Using the doGet() method. 


The doGet() method is used to handle HTTP GET requests, not for initializing a servlet. Servlet initialization can be done using the init() method, @WebServlet annotation, or web.xml deployment descriptor.

Question 11


a) ServletConfig. 


The ServletConfig object provides access to the initialization parameters configured for a servlet. These parameters are specified in the web.xml file or through annotations.

Question 12


a) To handle HTTP POST requests. 


The doPost() method is used to handle HTTP POST requests. It is where you can write the code to process and respond to POST requests.

Question 13


a) include(). 


The include() method is used to include the content of another resource, such as another servlet or JSP page, during servlet processing. It allows the content of the included resource to be merged with the current servlet response. 

Question 14


b) destroy(). 


The destroy() method is called before a servlet instance is destroyed. It allows for performing cleanup tasks and releasing any resources held by the servlet. 

Question 15


d) To provide a shared context for servlets within a web application. 


The ServletContext object represents the servlet context, which provides a shared context for servlets within a web application. It allows servlets to share data and communicate with each other. 

Question 16


c) To forward or include requests to other resources. 


The RequestDispatcher interface is used to forward or include requests to other resources, such as servlets, JSP pages, or static files. 

Question 17


d) Query parameters. 


Query parameters are not a valid method of session tracking in servlets. Session tracking is typically achieved through mechanisms such as cookies, URL rewriting, or hidden form fields. 

Question 18


d) To send data back to the client. 


The ServletResponse object represents the response that a servlet sends back to the client. It provides methods to set response headers, write content for the response, and manage cookies. 

Question 19


c) javax.servlet. 


The javax.servlet package provides the classes and interfaces for servlets. It includes important classes such as Servlet, HttpServlet, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, and more.


We hope you enjoyed our Java Servlet quiz! Assessing your knowledge through multiple choice questions helps reinforce your understanding of servlet concepts.

Learn and Master Java Programming: Learn Java Programming with Examples

Check out 100+ quiz questions: 100+ Quiz Questions to Test Your Java, Spring Boot, Microservices, Hibernate, REST API Skills

Keep exploring and practicing Java servlets to further enhance your skills in web development.
