Hibernate Quiz - MCQ - Multiple Choice Questions

Welcome to our Hibernate quiz! This blog post presents a set of 20+ Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) to test your knowledge of Hibernate concepts. 

Hibernate is an open-source object-relational mapping (ORM) framework for Java. It provides a way to map Java objects to relational database tables and simplifies the process of interacting with databases in Java applications. Hibernate acts as a bridge between the object-oriented world of Java and the relational world of databases. Let's test your understanding of Hibernate and enhance your skills in Java persistence.

Learn Hibernate at Hibernate ORM Framework Tutorials and Guides

Check out 100+ quiz questions: 100+ Quiz Questions to Test Your Java, Spring Boot, Microservices, Hibernate, REST API Skills 

The answer and explanation of each question have given at the end of this post. 

1. What is Hibernate? 

a) A programming language 
b) A database management system 
c) An object-relational mapping (ORM) framework 
d) A scripting language 

2. Which of the following is true about Hibernate? 

a) It is specific to a particular database management system 
b) It provides a way to define database schemas 
c) It simplifies object-oriented programming in Java 
d) It is primarily used for front-end web development 

3. What is the purpose of Hibernate's SessionFactory? 

a) To create and manage database connections 
b) To define database schemas 
c) To provide a mapping between Java classes and database tables 
d) To handle database transactions 

4. Which configuration file is used to configure Hibernate settings? 

a) hibernate.cfg.xml 
b) web.xml 
c) persistence.xml 
d) application.properties 

5. What is the purpose of Hibernate's Session object? 

a) To execute SQL queries 
b) To perform database CRUD operations 
c) To manage database transactions 
d) To define Hibernate entity mappings 

6. What is the default primary key generation strategy provided by Hibernate? 

a) AUTO 

7. Which annotation is used to specify the primary key in a Hibernate entity class? 

a) @PrimaryKey
b) @Id 
c) @GeneratedValue 
d) @Key 

8. What is the purpose of Hibernate's HQL (Hibernate Query Language)?

a) To define database schemas 
b) To create Java objects from database tables 
c) To perform database CRUD operations 
d) It allows developers to write database queries using entity and property names 

9. What is lazy loading in Hibernate? 

a) Loading data from the database only when needed 
b) Loading all data eagerly during initialization 
c) Loading data in a separate thread 
d) Loading data from a cache 

10. Which Hibernate mapping type is used to represent a one-to-many association? 

a) @OneToMany 
b) @ManyToOne 
c) @OneToOne 
d) @ManyToMany 

11. What is the purpose of Hibernate's EntityManager? 

a) To manage database connections 
b) To define database schemas 
c) To handle database transactions 
d) To persist and retrieve entities 

12. Which database operations does Hibernate's EntityManager support?

a) Create and update 
b) Read and delete 
c) Create, read, update, and delete 
d) Read and update 

13. Which annotation is used to map a Java class to a database table in Hibernate? 

a) @Entity 
b) @Table 
c) @Column 
d) @Id 

14. What is the purpose of Hibernate's Second Level Cache? 

a) To cache database query results 
b) To cache Java objects 
c) To cache database connections 
d) To cache database schema information 

15. What is the role of Hibernate's Transaction object? 

a) To execute SQL queries 
b) To manage database connections 
c) To handle database transactions
d) To define Hibernate entity mappings 

16. Which association mapping type is used to represent a many-to-many association in Hibernate? 

a) @OneToMany 
b) @ManyToOne 
c) @OneToOne 
d) @ManyToMany 

17. What is the purpose of Hibernate's Criteria API? 

a) To define database schemas 
b) To perform database CRUD operations 
c) To execute SQL queries 
d) To build type-safe queries using Java code 

18. Which annotation is used to specify the column name in a Hibernate entity class? 

a) @PrimaryKey 
b) @Id 
c) @GeneratedValue 
d) @Column 

19. What is the purpose of Hibernate's Dialect class? 

a) To define database schemas 
b) To create database connections 
c) To handle database transactions 
d) To provide database-specific SQL dialects 

20. Which configuration method is used to obtain a Hibernate SessionFactory object? 

a) configure() 
b) buildSessionFactory() 
c) createSessionFactory() 
d) getSessionFactory() 

21. Which Hibernate annotation is used to enable caching for an entity class? 

a) @Cacheable 
b) @Cached 
c) @Cache 
d) @Caching

22. What is the difference between EAGER and LAZY fetching in Hibernate? 

a) EAGER fetch loads associated entities eagerly, while LAZY fetch loads them lazily on demand 
b) EAGER fetch loads associated entities on demand, while LAZY fetch loads them eagerly 
c) EAGER fetch loads only the primary entity, while LAZY fetch loads the associated entities as well 
d) EAGER fetch and LAZY fetch have no difference in Hibernate 

23. What are Hibernate Interceptors used for? 

a) To intercept and modify SQL queries before execution 
b) To intercept and modify entity properties before persistence 
c) To intercept and modify database transactions 
d) To intercept and modify Hibernate session operations

Answers and Explanations

Question 1

c) An object-relational mapping (ORM) framework. 

Hibernate is an ORM framework that provides a way to map Java objects to relational database tables, simplifying database interaction in Java applications. 

Question 2

c)It simplifies object-oriented programming in Java. 

Hibernate simplifies database access by abstracting away the complexities of JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) and providing an object-oriented approach to interacting with databases. 

Question 3

a) To create and manage database connections. 

The SessionFactory in Hibernate is responsible for creating and managing database connections. It is used to configure Hibernate settings and create sessions for performing database operations. 

Question 4

a) hibernate.cfg.xml. 

The hibernate.cfg.xml configuration file is used to configure Hibernate settings, such as database connection details, dialect, mapping files, and other properties required for Hibernate to work correctly.

Question 5

c) To manage database transactions. 

The Session object in Hibernate represents a single unit of work and is responsible for managing database transactions. It provides methods for performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on entities. 

Question 6

a) AUTO.

The AUTO primary key generation strategy allows Hibernate to choose the appropriate strategy based on the underlying database. It typically uses identity columns, sequences, or table-based strategies for generating primary keys. 

Question 7

b) @Id. 

The @Id annotation is used to specify the primary key in a Hibernate entity class. It marks a field or a property as the identifier of the entity. 

Question 8

d) To execute SQL queries. 

Hibernate Query Language (HQL) is a powerful object-oriented query language similar to SQL. It allows developers to write database queries using entity and property names instead of database tables and column names. 

Question 9

a) Loading data from the database only when needed. 

Lazy loading is a technique in Hibernate where associated data is fetched from the database only when it is accessed for the first time. This improves performance by reducing unnecessary database queries. 

Question 10

a) @OneToMany. 

The @OneToMany annotation is used to represent a one-to-many association in Hibernate. It is used to define a relationship where one entity has a collection of other entities. 

Question 11

d) To persist and retrieve entities. 

The EntityManager in Hibernate is responsible for persisting and retrieving entities from the database. It provides methods for managing the lifecycle of entities and performing CRUD operations. 

Question 12

c) Create, read, update, and delete. 

Hibernate's EntityManager supports all the major database operations, including creating new entities, reading existing entities, updating entities, and deleting entities. 

Question 13

a) @Entity. 

The @Entity annotation is used to map a Java class to a database table in Hibernate. It marks a class as an entity that can be persisted in the database. 

Question 14

b) To cache Java objects. 

Hibernate's Second Level Cache is used to cache Java objects to improve performance. It reduces the need to fetch the same objects from the database repeatedly. 

Question 15

c) To handle database transactions. 

The Transaction object in Hibernate is responsible for managing database transactions. It provides methods for beginning, committing, or rolling back transactions. 

Question 16

d) @ManyToMany. 

The @ManyToMany annotation is used to represent a many-to-many association in Hibernate. It is used to define a relationship where multiple entities can be associated with multiple other entities. 

Question 17

d) To build type-safe queries using Java code. 

Hibernate's Criteria API provides a programmatic way to create database queries using Java code. It allows developers to build type-safe queries without writing SQL directly. 

Question 18

d) @Column. 

The @Column annotation is used to specify the column name in a Hibernate entity class. It allows developers to map a field or property to a specific database column. 

Question 19

d) To provide database-specific SQL dialects. 

Hibernate's Dialect class provides database-specific SQL dialects. It generates the appropriate SQL statements and handles the differences in SQL syntax and behavior among various database systems.

Question 20

b) buildSessionFactory(). 

The buildSessionFactory() method is used to obtain a Hibernate SessionFactory object. It is typically called during application initialization to create a SessionFactory instance that can be used throughout the application. 

Question 21

a) @Cacheable. 

The @Cacheable annotation is used to enable caching for an entity class. It indicates that the entity should be cached, improving performance by reducing database access.

Question 22

a) EAGER fetch loads associated entities eagerly, while LAZY fetch loads them lazily on demand.

EAGER fetching in Hibernate loads associated entities immediately along with the primary entity, while LAZY fetching loads them only when they are accessed for the first time.

Question 23

b) To intercept and modify entity properties before persistence. 

Hibernate Interceptors are used to intercept and modify entity properties before they are persisted or retrieved from the database. They allow developers to add custom behavior or perform additional actions during entity operations.


We hope you enjoyed our Hibernate quiz! Assessing your knowledge through multiple choice questions helps reinforce your understanding of Hibernate concepts. 

Keep exploring and practicing Hibernate to further enhance your skills in Java persistence and database interaction.
