Kotlin Quiz - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Welcome to the Kotlin quiz. In this Kotlin quiz, we've prepared 40+ multiple-choice questions to challenge your understanding of Kotlin concepts. Each question comes with detailed explanations to help you learn and solidify your knowledge. Let's dive in and see how well you know your Kotlin!

1. What is Kotlin?

a) A new version of Java.
b) A JavaScript framework.
c) A statically-typed programming language for the JVM, Android, and browser.
d) A database management system.


c) A statically-typed programming language for the JVM, Android, and browser.


Kotlin is a statically-typed programming language developed by JetBrains that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Android, and can even be compiled to JavaScript for browser-based applications.

2. Which platform does Kotlin primarily target?

a) Python Bytecode
b) JavaScript
c) JVM (Java Virtual Machine) Bytecode
d) PHP


c) JVM (Java Virtual Machine) Bytecode


Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that primarily targets the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) bytecode. This means Kotlin code is compiled into JVM bytecode, which can then be executed in any environment where JVM is supported. However, it's also worth noting that Kotlin can also be transpiled into JavaScript, and it can compile to native binaries, allowing code to run on non-JVM platforms.

3. Are semicolons (;) mandatory at the end of code statements in Kotlin?

a) True
b) False


b) False


Kotlin does not require semicolons (;) at the end of each statement. They can be used, but are generally omitted unless separating multiple statements on a single line for readability.

4. What paradigm(s) does the Kotlin programming language follow?

a) Only Object-Oriented
b) Procedural
c) Only Functional
d) Both Object-Oriented and Functional


d) Both Object-Oriented and Functional


Kotlin is a statically typed language that supports both object-oriented and functional programming paradigms, providing a lot of flexibility in coding styles and approaches. Its design allows developers to seamlessly integrate object-oriented and functional programming features in their code.

5. How do you declare a variable in Kotlin?

a) let myVariable = 10;
b) val myVariable: Int = 10
c) const myVariable = 10;
d) var myVariable: Int = 10


d) var myVariable: Int = 10


In Kotlin, you declare a mutable variable using the var keyword followed by the variable name, a colon, and the variable type. For example, var myVariable: Int = 10 declares a mutable integer variable named myVariable with an initial value of 10.

6. How do you define a variable in Kotlin that cannot be reassigned?

a) var
b) val
c) const
d) final


b) val


The val keyword in Kotlin creates a read-only (immutable) property.

7. How do you declare a nullable variable in Kotlin?

a) var name: String?
b) var name: String
c) var name: String = null
d) String name = null


a) var name: String?


In Kotlin, you can declare a nullable variable by appending a ? to the type.

8. What is the difference between val and var in Kotlin?

a) They are identical and can be used interchangeably.
b) 'val' declares mutable variables, and 'var' declares immutable ones.
c) 'val' declares immutable variables, and 'var' declares mutable ones.
d) 'val' is used for local variables, and 'var' is used for global variables.


c) 'val' declares immutable variables, and 'var' declares mutable ones.


In Kotlin, 'val' is used to declare a read-only (immutable) property, which means once initialized, its value cannot be changed. On the other hand, 'var' is used to declare a mutable property, allowing its value to be changed after initialization.

9. How do you define a function in Kotlin?

a) fun myFunction() {}
b) def myFunction() {}
c) function myFunction() {}
d) fun = myFunction() {}


a) fun myFunction() {}


In Kotlin, you define a function using the fun keyword followed by the function name, parentheses, and curly braces. For example, fun myFunction() {} defines a function named myFunction.

10. What is the when expression used in Kotlin?

a) To create a loop.
b) To define a switch-case statement.
c) To define a conditional expression.
d) To create a lambda function.


b) To define a switch-case statement.


In Kotlin, the when expression is used as a replacement for the traditional switch-case statement. It allows you to compare a value against multiple conditions and execute different branches of code based on the match.

11. What does ?. operator do in Kotlin?

a) Null-safe type casting
b) Null-safe function calling
c) Null-safe member access
d) None of the above


c) Null-safe member access


The ?. operator allows safe access to the members (functions or properties) of an object that could possibly be null.

12. What is the default visibility modifier for functions in Kotlin if no modifier is specified?

a) public
b) private
c) internal
d) protected


a) public


In Kotlin, when no visibility modifier is specified for a function, it defaults to 'public'. This means the function can be accessed from anywhere.

13. Which keyword is used to create a singleton in Kotlin?

a) static
b) singleton
c) single
d) object


d) object


In Kotlin, the object keyword is used to create a singleton class.

14. What is the main purpose of the let function in Kotlin?

a) To facilitate null checks
b) To execute a block of code and return a result
c) To transform an object
d) None of the above


c) To transform an object


In Kotlin, the 'let' function is primarily used to transform an object. It executes a block of code on an object and then returns the result of that block. This can be particularly useful in chaining operations.

15. Which feature in Kotlin helps to prevent NullPointerExceptions?

a) Safe Call Operator (?.)
b) Non-null Assertion Operator (!!)
c) Elvis Operator (?:)
d) Safe Cast Operator (as?)


a) Safe Call Operator (?.)


The Safe Call Operator (?.) in Kotlin is designed to handle nullability and help prevent NullPointerExceptions. It allows an operation to be performed on a nullable variable only if the variable is not null, otherwise, it simply returns null.

16. What is the purpose of the open modifier in Kotlin?

a) It allows a class to be instantiated.
b) It makes a function available for overriding.
c) It enforces strict typing for variables.
d) It allows a function to be called only from within its own class.


b) It makes a function available for overriding.


In Kotlin, the open modifier is used to allow a function to be overridden in a subclass. By default, functions are final and cannot be overridden unless marked with open.

17. How do you create a single-line comment in Kotlin?

a) // This is a comment
b) /* This is a comment */
d) # This is a comment


a) // This is a comment


In Kotlin, you create a single-line comment using the // syntax.

18. How can we write a multi-line comment in Kotlin?

a) /* Comment */
b) // Comment
d) # Comment


a) /* Comment */


Multi-line comments in Kotlin are enclosed between /* and */.

19. What is the role of the init block in Kotlin?

a) To initialize the superclass
b) To initialize an object after the constructor has been called
c) To initialize static variables
d) None of the above


b) To initialize an object after the constructor has been called


In Kotlin, the 'init' block is part of a class body and is executed when the class is instantiated, following the execution of the primary constructor. Its main role is to perform additional initialization operations beyond what's done in the constructors. It does not serve to initialize the superclass or static variables.

20. How do you call a function in Kotlin?

a) functionName()
b) call functionName
c) Function -> functionName
d) functionName:call


a) functionName()


In Kotlin, a function is called by its name followed by parentheses. If the function takes parameters, those are placed inside the parentheses.

21. Which Kotlin construct allows a block of code to be executed a specific number of times?

a) for
b) while
c) repeat
d) loop


c) repeat


Kotlin's 'repeat' function is designed to execute a specified block of code a certain number of times.

22. Which keywords are used to handle conditional statements in Kotlin?

a) if
b) when
c) both a and b
d) none of the above


c) both a and b


Kotlin uses both 'if' and 'when' constructs to handle conditional logic in the code.

23. What is the correct way to define a primary constructor in Kotlin?

a) constructor()
b) class constructor()
c) primary constructor()
d) class Person()


d) class Person()


In Kotlin, the primary constructor is defined as part of the class declaration itself. The correct syntax is class Person().

24. In Kotlin, what is the main purpose of the return keyword?

a) To declare a function
b) To create a loop
c) To terminate a function execution and return a value
d) To define a class


c) To terminate a function execution and return a value


In Kotlin, the 'return' keyword is used to exit a function execution prematurely and return a value, especially in functions that are designed to compute and provide a result.

25. What is the primary use of the with function in Kotlin?

a) To create an extension function
b) To apply multiple transformations to a collection
c) To establish a scope in which an object's properties and functions can be accessed directly without specifying the object's name
d) To create an anonymous function


c) To establish a scope in which an object's properties and functions can be accessed directly without specifying the object's name


In Kotlin, 'with' is a scope function that allows you to call multiple methods or access properties on an object within a single block, without needing to repeat the object's name. It's not primarily used for creating extension functions, applying transformations to collections, or creating anonymous functions.

26. What does the also function do in Kotlin?

a) It's a scoping function that also executes a block of code
b) It runs a block of code and returns the object it was called on
c) It runs a block of code and returns the result
d) None of the above


b) It runs a block of code and returns the object it was called on


The also function executes a block of code and returns the object it was called on.

27. Which of these is not a loop structure in Kotlin?

a) for loop
b) while loop
c) until loop
d) do-while loop


c) until loop


The until is not a loop structure in Kotlin, it is used to create a range. The loop structures in Kotlin are for, while, and do-while loops.

28. How do we throw an exception in Kotlin?

a) throw Exception()
b) raise Exception()
c) Exception.throw()
d) None of the above


a) throw Exception()


In Kotlin, we throw an exception using the throw keyword.

29. What methods can be used to achieve abstraction in Kotlin?

a) Through abstract classes only
b) Through interfaces only
c) Through both abstract classes and interfaces
d) None of the above


c) Through both abstract classes and interfaces


In Kotlin, abstraction can be achieved using both abstract classes and interfaces. Abstract classes can have constructor parameters and can also contain implemented methods. Interfaces, on the other hand, are very similar to Java 8 interfaces and can contain method declarations as well as method implementations.

30. How do you declare an array of integers in Kotlin?

a) val numbers = arrayOf(1, 2, 3)
b) val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3)
c) val numbers = [1, 2, 3]
d) val numbers = Array(3) {0, 1, 2}



Answer: a) val numbers = arrayOf(1, 2, 3)

31. Which of the following is not a basic data type in Kotlin?

a) Boolean
b) String
c) Float
d) Char


b) String


String is not a basic type in Kotlin. The basic types are: Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double, Boolean, and Char.

32. How do you declare a String in Kotlin?

a) val str: String = "Hello, World!"
b) String str = "Hello, World!"
c) val str = String("Hello, World!")
d) String str = new String("Hello, World!")


a) val str: String = "Hello, World!"


In Kotlin, you declare a String using the val keyword, followed by the variable name, the type annotation: String, and the assignment operator =.

33. In Kotlin, how do you compare two Strings for equality?

a) str1 == str2
b) str1.equals(str2)
c) Both a and b
d) str1.sameAs(str2)


c) Both a and b


In Kotlin, you can use both the == operator and the equals() function to compare two Strings for equality.

34. Which property can be used to find the length of a string?

a) size
b) length
c) count
d) charCount


b) length


The 'length' property is used in Kotlin to ascertain the number of characters in a string.

35. In Kotlin, which collection type has an order and can contain duplicate elements?

a) Set
b) List
c) Map
d) All of the above


b) List


In Kotlin, Lists have a specific order and can contain duplicate elements.

36. Which function is used to iterate over a collection in Kotlin?

a) forEach()
b) for()
c) map()
d) filter()


a) forEach()


In Kotlin, forEach() function is used to iterate over collections.

37. Which of these functions can transform a list in Kotlin?

a) map()
b) filter()
c) forEach()
d) None of the above


a) map()


In Kotlin, the map() function is used to transform the elements of the list.

38. Which collection type ensures element uniqueness in Kotlin?

a) List
b) Set
c) Map
d) MutableList


b) Set


In Kotlin, the Set collection ensures that all elements in the set are unique.

39. How do you create an empty list in Kotlin?

a) emptyList()
b) listOf()
c) list()
d) mutableListOf()


a) emptyList()


In Kotlin, you can create an empty list by using the function emptyList().

40. What does the mapOf() function do in Kotlin?

a) It creates a new List.
b) It creates a new Set.
c) It creates a new Map.
d) It creates a new Queue.


c) It creates a new Map.


Explanation:The mapOf() function in Kotlin is used to create a read-only Map.


Congratulations on completing the Kotlin quiz! We hope you enjoyed the challenge and learned some new Kotlin concepts along the way. Kotlin is a powerful and expressive language that brings a lot of modern features to the table. Keep practicing and experimenting to become a Kotlin master! Happy coding!


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