Python Program to Count the Number of Characters in a String

1. Introduction

Counting the number of characters in a string is one of the most basic operations in string processing. This task forms the foundation for more complex text analysis. Python's ability to iterate over strings and its various built-in functions make this process straightforward.

A character in a string can be a letter, a number, a space, punctuation, or any other symbol that is part of the string. The number of characters in a string is simply the total count of these characters.

2. Program Steps

1. Define the string that you want to analyze.

2. Initialize a counter to zero.

3. Loop through each character in the string and increment the counter by one for each character.

4. Output the final count of characters.

3. Code Program

# Define the string
input_string = "Count the characters."

# Initialize the counter
char_count = 0

# Loop over each character in the string and increment the counter
for char in input_string:
    char_count += 1

# Output the character count
print(f"The number of characters in the string is: {char_count}")


The number of characters in the string is: 20


1. input_string is assigned the text "Count the characters." which we will analyze.

2. char_count is set to 0 and will be used as a counter for the characters.

3. A for loop iterates through each character char in the input_string.

4. Inside the loop, char_count is incremented by 1 with each iteration, representing the count of characters.

5. After the loop concludes, char_count holds the total number of characters in input_string.

6. The print statement uses an f-string to format the output message, displaying the count of characters, which is 20 in this case.


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