Python classmethod() Function

The classmethod() function in Python is used to transform a method into a class method. Class methods can be called on the class itself, rather than on instances of the class. This is particularly useful when you need to define methods that should be available at the class level, often used for factory methods or other operations that relate to the class as a whole rather than individual instances.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. classmethod() Function Syntax
  3. Understanding classmethod()
  4. Examples
    • Basic Usage
    • Using Class Methods for Alternative Constructors
    • Accessing Class Attributes
  5. Real-World Use Case
  6. Conclusion


The classmethod() function allows you to define methods that are bound to the class and not the instance of the class. This means that the method can be called on the class itself and has access to the class as the first argument, conventionally named cls.

classmethod() Function Syntax

The syntax for the classmethod() function is as follows:



  • function: The function that you want to transform into a class method.


  • A class method for the given function.

Understanding classmethod()

A class method receives the class as the first argument (cls) and can be called on the class itself or on an instance of the class. This is useful for methods that need to perform operations related to the class itself rather than any particular instance.


Basic Usage

To demonstrate the basic usage of classmethod(), we will define a simple class with a class method.


class MyClass:
    def my_class_method(cls):
        return f"This is a class method of {cls.__name__}"



This is a class method of MyClass

Using Class Methods for Alternative Constructors

Class methods are often used for defining alternative constructors. This allows you to create instances of the class in different ways.


class Person:
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age

    def from_birth_year(cls, name, birth_year):
        current_year = 2024
        age = current_year - birth_year
        return cls(name, age)

# Create a Person instance using the standard constructor
p1 = Person("Alice", 30)
print(, p1.age)

# Create a Person instance using the alternative constructor
p2 = Person.from_birth_year("Bob", 1990)
print(, p2.age)


Alice 30
Bob 34

Accessing Class Attributes

Class methods can also be used to access or modify class attributes.


class MyClass:
    count = 0

    def __init__(self):
        MyClass.count += 1

    def get_instance_count(cls):
        return cls.count

# Create instances of MyClass
obj1 = MyClass()
obj2 = MyClass()

# Access class attribute using class method



Real-World Use Case

Factory Methods

In real-world applications, class methods are often used to define factory methods. Factory methods create and return instances of the class, providing a way to encapsulate and control the instantiation process.


class Logger:
    def __init__(self, log_level):
        self.log_level = log_level

    def create_debug_logger(cls):
        return cls("DEBUG")

    def create_error_logger(cls):
        return cls("ERROR")

# Create loggers using factory methods
debug_logger = Logger.create_debug_logger()
error_logger = Logger.create_error_logger()

print("Debug Logger Level:", debug_logger.log_level)
print("Error Logger Level:", error_logger.log_level)


Debug Logger Level: DEBUG
Error Logger Level: ERROR


The classmethod() function in Python is used for creating methods that are bound to the class rather than the instance. By using this function, you can define methods that operate on the class level, making it particularly useful for alternative constructors, factory methods, and accessing class attributes in your Python applications.


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