How to Get the First Date of a Month in Python

When working with date and time in Python, a common task is to find the first day of a month. Whether you're generating reports, scheduling events, or performing date calculations, knowing how to obtain the first date of a month is essential. Python's datetime module makes this task straightforward. In this blog post, we'll explore how to get the first date of a month in Python. 

The datetime Module in Python 

Python's built-in datetime module is a primary tool for working with dates and times. It provides classes for manipulating dates and times in both simple and complex ways. 

Finding the First Day of a Month 

To get the first day of a month, we can use the datetime class from the datetime module. The idea is to create a date object representing the first day of the desired month. 

Example: Getting the First Date of the Current Month

import datetime

# Get the current date
current_date =

# Get the first day of the current month
first_day_of_month =, current_date.month, 1)

print("First day of the current month:", first_day_of_month)

Example: Getting the First Date of Any Specified Month 

You can also find the first date of any specific month and year. 
import datetime

def get_first_date_of_month(year, month):
    return, month, 1)

# Example usage
first_day_of_october_2021 = get_first_date_of_month(2021, 10)
print("First day of October 2021:", first_day_of_october_2021)

Handling Invalid Dates 

While the above methods work well, it's important to handle cases where the provided month or year might be invalid. This can be done using try-except blocks in Python. 

Example: Exception Handling for Invalid Dates

import datetime

def get_first_date_of_month(year, month):
        return, month, 1)
    except ValueError as e:
        print("Invalid month or year:", e)
        return None

# Example with invalid month
invalid_date = get_first_date_of_month(2021, 13)  # 13 is not a valid month
print("Invalid Date:", invalid_date)


Getting the first date of a month in Python is a simple task thanks to the datetime module. Whether you're working with the current month or a specific month and year, Python provides an intuitive and straightforward way to handle such date manipulations. 

Understanding these techniques is helpful for anyone working with date and time in Python, as it forms the basis for more complex date-related operations. 

 Stay tuned for more Python tips and tricks. Happy coding!
