Iterate Over the Characters of a String in Java

1. Introduction

Iterating over the characters of a string is a fundamental operation in many programming tasks, such as parsing, validation, or text transformation. Java provides multiple ways to accomplish this, each suitable for different scenarios and requirements. This blog post will explore several methods to iterate over the characters of a string in Java, including for-loops, streams, and the forEach method.

2. Program Steps

1. Use a traditional for-loop to iterate over characters by index.

2. Use an enhanced for-loop with the toCharArray method.

3. Use the chars method introduced in Java 8 to create an IntStream, then iterate over it.

4. Use the codePoints method for full Unicode support, including surrogate pairs.

3. Code Program

public class StringIterationExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String str = "Hello, Java!";

        // Step 1: Using a traditional for-loop
        for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
            char ch = str.charAt(i);
            System.out.println("Character at " + i + ": " + ch);

        // Step 2: Using an enhanced for-loop with toCharArray
        for (char ch : str.toCharArray()) {
            System.out.println("Character: " + ch);

        // Step 3: Using chars method (Java 8+)
        str.chars().forEach(ch -> System.out.println("Character: " + (char) ch));

        // Step 4: Using codePoints method for full Unicode support (Java 8+)
        str.codePoints().forEach(cp -> System.out.println("Code point: " + cp + ", Character: " + (char) cp));


Character at 0: H
Character at 1: e
Character at 2: l
Character at 3: l
Character at 4: o
Character at 5: ,
Character at 6:
Character at 7: J
Character at 8: a
Character at 9: v
Character at 10: a
Character at 11: !
Character: H
Character: e
Character: l
Character: l
Character: o
Character: ,
Character: J
Character: a
Character: v
Character: a
Character: !
Character: H
Character: e
Character: l
Character: l
Character: o
Character: ,
Character: J
Character: a
Character: v
Character: a
Character: !
Code point: 72, Character: H
Code point: 101, Character: e
Code point: 108, Character: l
Code point: 108, Character: l
Code point: 111, Character: o
Code point: 44, Character: ,
Code point: 32, Character:
Code point: 74, Character: J
Code point: 97, Character: a
Code point: 118, Character: v
Code point: 97, Character: a
Code point: 33, Character: !


1. Traditional for-loop: Iterates over the string by index, using charAt to access each character. This method is suitable for cases where the index is needed.

2. Enhanced for-loop with toCharArray: This method converts the string into a character array and iterates over it. It is clean but involves creating a new array.

3. Using chars method: Introduced in Java 8, chars returns an IntStream of character codes, allowing for functional-style operations. It's convenient for simple character operations but lacks full Unicode support.

4. Using codePoints method: Also introduced in Java 8, codePoints returns an IntStream of Unicode code points, fully supporting all Unicode characters, including supplementary characters (represented by surrogate pairs in UTF-16). This method is recommended for applications requiring complete Unicode support.
