Go Program to Implement a Queue Using Slices

1. Introduction

A queue is a foundational data structure that operates on a First In, First Out (FIFO) principle. Elements added (or enqueued) to the end of a queue will be the first ones to be removed (or dequeued). In this guide, we'll walk through how to utilize Go's slices to create a simple and effective queue.

2. Program Overview

Our Go program will be structured in the following manner:

1. Define a Queue type rooted in a slice.

2. Implement Enqueue, Dequeue, and Peek methods for our queue.

3. Illustrate the queue's operations within the main function.

3. Code Program

// Package and import declarations
package main

import "fmt"

// Defining the Queue type based on a slice
type Queue []int

// Enqueue appends an item to the end of the queue
func (q *Queue) Enqueue(v int) {
    *q = append(*q, v)

// Dequeue removes and returns the first item from the queue
func (q *Queue) Dequeue() int {
    res := (*q)[0]
    *q = (*q)[1:]
    return res

// Peek returns the first item from the queue without removing it
func (q *Queue) Peek() int {
    return (*q)[0]

// Main function to demonstrate the queue operations
func main() {
    var q Queue


    fmt.Println("Front of the queue:", q.Peek())
    fmt.Println("Dequeued from queue:", q.Dequeue())
    fmt.Println("Queue after dequeue:", q)


Front of the queue: 10
Dequeued from queue: 10
Queue after dequeue: [20 30]

4. Step By Step Explanation

1. Queue Definition: We initiated a new type named Queue, which is fundamentally a slice of integers. This slice will serve as our primary data structure for the queue.

2. Enqueue Operation: The Enqueue method simply appends an element to the end of our slice, representing the back of the queue.

3. Dequeue Operation: Dequeue retrieves the first element (front of the queue), returning its value and simultaneously removing it from the queue.

4. Peek Operation: Peek just returns the front of the queue without any modifications to the actual queue.

5. Main Function: Here, we put our queue to the test by enqueuing three integers, peeking the front, and then dequeuing an element.

Leveraging Go's slices makes the queue implementation quite straightforward and efficient. This data structure is prevalent across various computer science scenarios, from data buffering to managing processes in operating systems.
