UnsatisfiedDependencyException in Spring Boot

Spring Framework, at its core, revolves around the concept of Dependency Injection (DI). The framework manages the life cycle of beans and ensures that they are provided with the necessary dependencies. 

However, occasionally, there can be issues with the dependency resolution, resulting in the UnsatisfiedDependencyException. This article will explore this exception, its causes, and potential solutions. 

What is UnsatisfiedDependencyException? 

The UnsatisfiedDependencyException typically occurs during the Spring container's bean creation process. It indicates that one of the dependencies required for creating a bean cannot be satisfied. The error message will typically look something like this:

org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'someBeanName': 
Unsatisfied dependency expressed through field 'someFieldName'; nested exception is ...

Common Causes & Solutions

Missing Bean Definition

Cause: A required bean is not defined in the application context. 

Solution: Ensure that the required bean is correctly defined in your configuration and that it is annotated with @Component@Service, @Repository, @Controller, or another appropriate stereotype annotation. 

Component Scanning Not Configured Properly

Cause: The Spring container might not be scanning the package where your bean is located. 

Solution: Ensure that the @ComponentScan annotation is correctly set up. In Spring Boot, the @SpringBootApplication annotation automatically scans all packages below its location. 

Multiple Candidates for Autowiring

Cause: There might be multiple beans of the desired type, and Spring doesn't know which one to use. 

Solution: Use the @Qualifier annotation to specify which bean should be injected, or consider using @Primary on one of the beans to mark it as the primary choice. 

Profile-Specific Beans

Cause: The bean definition is associated with a specific profile using the @Profile annotation, but that profile is not currently active. 

Solution: Activate the necessary profile or ensure that the bean definition is not tied to a specific profile if not required. 

Constructor-Based Injection Without @Autowired

Cause: When using constructor-based dependency injection in earlier versions of Spring, forgetting the @Autowired annotation might cause this exception. 

Solution: Annotate the constructor with @Autowired. However, from Spring 4.3 onwards, if there's a single constructor, the @Autowired annotation is no longer necessary. 

Issues with External Libraries or Configurations

Cause: An external library's bean might not have been created due to a misconfiguration or version incompatibility. 

Solution: Ensure that all external dependencies and libraries are correctly configured and compatible with your Spring version. 


The UnsatisfiedDependencyException error is a clear indication of a problem in the Spring DI process. Carefully reviewing the error message, understanding the bean dependencies in your application, and considering the above causes and solutions should help in swiftly addressing the issue. Remember, with Spring, detailed error messages are your friends – they usually offer a clear path to the problem's root.

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