Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 5

Welcome to Set 5 of our 100+ Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers series. This Set 5 continues from MCQs 41-50 and covers Spring Boot fundamentals and annotations.

Complete Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers series:

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 1

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 2

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 3

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 4

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 5

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 6

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 7

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 8

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 9

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 10

41. What is the primary use of the @Repository annotation in Spring Boot?

a) To define a REST controller
b) To mark a class as a repository, indicating database interaction
c) To create scheduled tasks
d) To configure application properties


b) To mark a class as a repository, indicating database interaction


The @Repository annotation in Spring Boot is used to mark a class as a repository, which indicates that it's responsible for data access and interactions with the database.

42. In Spring Boot, what is the purpose of the spring-boot-starter-jdbc dependency?

a) To provide JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) support
b) To support Java Messaging Service (JMS)
c) To enable Spring Security features
d) To integrate with Apache Kafka


a) To provide JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) support


The spring-boot-starter-jdbc starter includes dependencies for using JDBC with Spring Boot, simplifying database access and operations using JDBC.

43. What is the purpose of the spring-boot-starter-aop dependency?

a) To provide support for Aspect-Oriented Programming
b) To enable RESTful web services
c) To add WebSocket communication capabilities
d) To provide batch processing functionalities


a) To provide support for Aspect-Oriented Programming


The spring-boot-starter-aop starter includes dependencies for Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP), enabling developers to implement cross-cutting concerns such as logging and transaction management.

44. What is the primary role of the spring-boot-starter-cache dependency?

a) To support caching abstraction in Spring Boot applications
b) To provide email-sending capabilities
c) To enable WebSocket communication
d) To offer batch processing functionalities


a) To support caching abstraction in Spring Boot applications


The spring-boot-starter-cache starter provides support for caching abstraction in Spring Boot applications. It simplifies the integration of caching solutions like EhCache, Hazelcast, or Caffeine.

45. How can you handle exceptions globally in a Spring Boot application?

a) By using the @ControllerAdvice annotation
b) Through individual try-catch blocks in each method
c) By configuring a global error handler in application.properties
d) By deploying a separate error handling service


a) By using the @ControllerAdvice annotation


The @ControllerAdvice annotation in Spring Boot handles exceptions globally across multiple controllers, allowing for centralized exception handling in a Spring Boot application.

46. What is the main purpose of the @EnableJpaRepositories annotation in Spring Boot?

a) To enable JPA repository support
b) To configure Spring Security
c) To define scheduled tasks
d) To enable Aspect-Oriented Programming


a) To enable JPA repository support


The @EnableJpaRepositories annotation in Spring Boot is used to enable JPA repository support, allowing Spring to scan for JPA repository interfaces and create proxy implementations.

47. What is the role of the @Valid annotation in Spring Boot?

a) To ensure data validation in controller methods
b) To validate application properties
c) To validate SQL queries
d) To check the syntax of Java code


a) To ensure data validation in controller methods


The @Valid annotation in Spring Boot is used in controller methods to ensure that data passed to the method is valid, often used in combination with Java Bean Validation API.

48. How is internationalization (i18n) typically implemented in Spring Boot?

a) By using a dedicated internationalization service
b) Through properties files for different locales
c) By hardcoding strings in the Java code
d) Using an external translation API


b) Through properties files for different locales


Internationalization in Spring Boot is typically implemented using properties files for different locales (e.g., messages_en.properties, messages_fr.properties). This allows for easy translation and localization of application messages.

49. What is the primary purpose of the @ModelAttribute annotation in a Spring Boot web application?

a) To bind method parameters to named model attributes
b) To define a RESTful endpoint
c) To configure application security
d) To define a scheduled task


a) To bind method parameters to named model attributes


The @ModelAttribute annotation in Spring Boot is used in controller methods to bind method parameters to named model attributes, often used in form submission handling.

50. In Spring Boot, which starter dependency is typically used for developing web applications with Thymeleaf templates?

a) spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf
b) spring-boot-starter-web
c) spring-boot-starter-jdbc
d) spring-boot-starter-freemarker


a) spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf


The spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf starter is used to develop web applications with Thymeleaf templates. It provides integration with the Thymeleaf templating engine for building dynamic web pages.
