Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 2

Welcome to Set 2 of our engaging Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers series. Building upon the foundational knowledge you've gained from Set 1, this collection delves deeper into the Spring Boot, preparing you for even more advanced topics covered in Set 3.

Complete Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers series:

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 1

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 2

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 3

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 4

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 5

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 6

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 7

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 8

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 9

Spring Boot MCQ Questions and Answers | Set 10

As you work through this Set 2, you'll encounter a variety of questions that challenge your comprehension and application of Spring Boot features. The explanations provided aim to enhance your knowledge and clarify any doubts, ensuring a solid grasp of the material before moving on to the advanced topics awaiting in Set 3.

11. What is the purpose of the spring-boot-starter-web dependency?

a) To support desktop application development
b) To provide basic web and RESTful development support
c) To enable WebSocket functionality
d) To add support for batch processing


b) To provide basic web and RESTful development support


The spring-boot-starter-web starter includes all the dependencies needed for building web and RESTful applications with Spring Boot.

12. Which component in Spring Boot auto-configures a DataSource based on the classpath settings?

a) DataSourceConfig
b) DataSourceAutoConfiguration
c) JdbcTemplate
d) HibernateTemplate


b) DataSourceAutoConfiguration


DataSourceAutoConfiguration in Spring Boot auto-configures a DataSource bean based on the classpath settings and the properties defined in the application.properties file.

13. What is the purpose of the spring-boot-starter-test dependency?

a) To provide support for testing Spring Boot applications
b) To enable live testing of web applications
c) To offer a testing framework for database operations
d) To integrate external testing tools


a) To provide support for testing Spring Boot applications


The spring-boot-starter-test starter includes dependencies useful for testing Spring Boot applications, such as JUnit, Spring Test, and Mockito.

14. Which embedded servlet container is supported by default in Spring Boot?

a) Apache HTTP Server
b) Tomcat
c) Microsoft IIS
d) Nginx


b) Tomcat


Spring Boot provides default support for the Tomcat embedded servlet container. It simplifies web application development by embedding Tomcat directly in the application.

15. How can you run a Spring Boot application?

a) By using the Java -jar command with the application's JAR file
b) By deploying it on a web server like Apache Tomcat
c) By executing a main method in an IDE
d) All of the above


d) All of the above


A Spring Boot application can be run in multiple ways, including using the Java -jar command with the built JAR file, running the main method in an IDE, or deploying it to a web server.

16. What is the primary use of the @ComponentScan annotation in Spring Boot?

a) To scan for Spring components and configurations
b) To configure the application's security settings
c) To define database entities
d) To configure message sources for internationalization


a) To scan for Spring components and configurations


The @ComponentScan annotation in Spring Boot is used to specify the packages to scan for annotated components. It enables Spring to detect and register your components, configurations, services, etc.

17. What does the @Autowired annotation do in Spring Boot?

a) Injects property values from the application.properties file
b) Provides database connectivity
c) Automatically wires beans into properties, constructors, or methods
d) Initializes application components


c) Automatically wires beans into properties, constructors, or methods


The @Autowired annotation in Spring Boot is used to automatically inject dependency. Spring automatically injects beans into the fields, constructors, or methods where @Autowired is used.

18. What is the purpose of the @Entity annotation in Spring Boot?

a) To define a REST controller
b) To declare a JPA entity
c) To create a scheduled task
d) To define a component scan path


b) To declare a JPA entity


The @Entity annotation in Spring Boot is used with JPA to define an entity, a class that maps to a database table.

19. What is the role of the spring-boot-starter-data-jpa dependency?

a) To support Java Messaging Service (JMS)
b) To provide Java Persistence API (JPA) integration
c) To enable Spring Security features
d) To integrate with Apache Kafka


b) To provide Java Persistence API (JPA) integration


The spring-boot-starter-data-jpa is a starter for using Spring Data JPA with Hibernate. It simplifies the configuration and usage of JPA for database interaction in Spring Boot applications.

20. In Spring Boot, what is the purpose of the @SpringBootTest annotation?

a) To create batch jobs
b) To configure application security
c) To support testing with a Spring application context
d) To manage application properties


c) To support testing with a Spring application context


The @SpringBootTest annotation in Spring Boot is used in testing. It provides a way to start a full Spring application context in the test, which is useful for integration tests.

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