TypeScript: Add Two Numbers

1. Introduction

TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, brings type safety and powerful tooling capabilities to the JavaScript ecosystem. In this tutorial, we'll dive into a basic yet foundational aspect of programming - adding two numbers, and demonstrate how TypeScript can help in this process.

2. Program Steps

Here's a breakdown of what we'll be doing:

1. Define a function named add which will accept two numbers as its parameters.

2. Within this function, we'll return the sum of these two numbers.

3. Finally, we'll test this function by logging the result to the console.

3. Code Program

// Defining the add function
function add(num1: number, num2: number): number {
    return num1 + num2;

// Testing the function with sample numbers
console.log(`The sum of 7 and 3 is: ${add(7, 3)}`);


The sum of 7 and 3 is: 10

4. Step By Step Explanation

The program begins by defining a function named add. This function accepts two parameters, both of which are of type number - a basic data type provided by TypeScript. The type declaration ensures that we don't accidentally pass in a non-numeric value, a benefit of using TypeScript.

Inside the add function, we simply return the sum of num1 and num2.

To test our function, we call it with the numbers 7 and 3 and print out the result using the console.log statement. The interpolated string (denoted by the back-ticks) allows us to embed our function call and its result directly within a message, making the output more descriptive.


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