Parsing XML to HashMap in Java

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a widely used format for storing and transporting data, and Java provides several ways to parse XML documents. One common requirement in Java applications is to parse an XML document and store its contents in a HashMap for easy access and manipulation. This process can be achieved using various libraries and techniques. In this blog post, we will explore a practical method to parse XML data into a HashMap in Java. 

Why Use HashMap for XML Data? 

HashMap in Java is a collection used to store key-value pairs. When dealing with XML data, you often need to access specific elements or attributes efficiently. Storing XML data in a HashMap allows for quick retrieval of values based on keys, which can represent XML tags or attributes. 

Using JDOM for XML Parsing 

For this example, we'll use the JDOM library, a popular and easy-to-use library for parsing XML in Java. JDOM provides a way to represent XML documents in Java and offers a user-friendly API to access and manipulate the data. 

Step 1: Add JDOM Dependency 

First, add the JDOM dependency to your project. If you are using Maven, include the following in your pom.xml:


Step 2: Sample XML Data 

Consider the following simple XML file named sample.xml:
    <element key="1">Value 1</element>
    <element key="2">Value 2</element>
    <element key="3">Value 3</element>

Step 3: Parse XML and Populate HashMap 

Now, let's write a method to parse this XML and store its contents in a HashMap.
import org.jdom2.Document;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class XMLToHashMap {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            File inputFile = new File("sample.xml");
            SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder();
            Document document =;
            Element rootElement = document.getRootElement();

            Map<String, String> xmlDataMap = new HashMap<>();
            List<Element> elements = rootElement.getChildren();

            for (Element element : elements) {
                String key = element.getAttributeValue("key");
                String value = element.getText();
                xmlDataMap.put(key, value);

            System.out.println("XML Data Map: " + xmlDataMap);
        } catch (Exception e) {


XML Data Map: {1=Value 1, 2=Value 2, 3=Value 3}
In this code: 
  • We use SAXBuilder to parse the XML file. 
  • We iterate over the child elements of the root element. 
  • For each element, we retrieve the value of the key attribute and the text content and then store them in the HashMap


Parsing XML data into a HashMap in Java is a useful technique, especially for applications that require quick access to XML content. Using libraries like JDOM simplifies the process, making it more manageable to parse and manipulate XML data. This approach is beneficial for efficiently processing configurations, settings, or any structured XML data in Java applications. 

For more insights and practical guides on Java programming, stay tuned! Happy coding!
