Best Spring Boot Books

In this post, I would like to suggest a few best Spring boot books for Java beginners to learn Spring Boot.
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1. Learning Spring Boot 2.0 - Second Edition

Key features of this book

  • Get up to date with the defining characteristics of Spring Boot 2.0 in Spring Framework 5
  • Learn to perform Reactive programming with SpringBoot
  • Learn about developer tools, AMQP messaging, WebSockets, security, MongoDB data access, REST, and more

What you will learn in this book

  • Create powerful, production-grade applications and services with minimal fuss
  • Support multiple environments with one artifact, and add production-grade support with features
  • Find out how to tweak your apps through different properties
  • Use custom metrics to track the number of messages published and consumed
  • Enhance the security model of your apps
  • Make use of reactive programming in Spring Boot
  • Build anything from lightweight unit tests to fully running embedded web container integration tests

2. Spring Boot in Action

The book covers almost all the essential topics about Spring Boot starting from auto-configuration, starter dependencies, and a general idea of how Spring Boot simplifies Java development.

The book then further explores advanced concepts like Spring Boot Actuator to find out what's going on inside a Spring boot application and Spring Boot CLI for even simpler Java Spring development with Groovy.

In short, one of the best books to learn Spring Boot and a must-read for Java developer who wants to master the Spring Boot framework.

3. Mastering Spring Boot 2.0

Key features of this book

  • Build and deploy your microservices architecture in the cloud
  • Build event-driven resilient systems using Hystrix and Turbine
  • Explore API management tools such as KONG and API documentation tools such as Swagger

What you will learn in this book

  • Build logically structured and highly maintainable Spring Boot applications
  • Configure RESTful microservices using Spring Boot
  • Make the application production and operation-friendly with Spring Actuator
  • Build modern, high-performance distributed applications using cloud patterns
  • Manage and deploy your Spring Boot application to the cloud (AWS)
  • Monitor distributed applications using log aggregation and ELK
Check out this book on Amazon at

4. Spring Microservices in Action

This is the best boot to learn microservices using Spring boot and spring cloud.

Key Features:

  • A good introduction to the microservice pattern
  • Hands-on examples
  • Real-world examples
  • Teaches how to build microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
Spring Microservices in Action teaches readers how to use the Spring Boot and Spring Cloud frameworks to build and deploy microservice-based cloud applications. By the end of this book, readers will not only be able to build their own microservice-based applications but will know how to operationalize and scale their microservices so they can be deployed to a private or public cloud.

5. Learn Microservices with Spring Boot

What You'll Learn in this book:

  • Build microservices with Spring Boot
  • Use event-driven architecture and messaging with RabbitMQ
  • Create RESTful services with Spring
  • Master service discovery with Eureka and load balancing with Ribbon
  • Route requests with Zuul as your API gateway
  • Carry out continuous integration and deployment
Check out this book on Amazon at
These are the best Spring boot books as per rating and my personal references. Apart from the above five books, you can also have look into below Spring boot books.

6.  Designing Applications with Spring Boot 2.2 and React JS

7. Spring Boot 2.0 Projects

8. Hands-On Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

9. Introduction to Java Spring Boot: Learning By Coding
