Lombok @NonNull Annotation Example

In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can utilize Lombok @NonNull annotation to make your code more resilient against null-related issues.

What is @NonNull? 

The @NonNull annotation in Lombok is designed to help you automatically generate null checks for your variables. By annotating a variable or a method parameter with @NonNull, Lombok will insert a null check at the beginning of the method or constructor, and if the check fails, a NullPointerException will be thrown.

Without Project Lombok

Without Lombok @NonNull annotation, we need to manually write a code to handle null pointer exceptions:
package net.javaguides.lombok.nonnull;

import net.javaguides.lombok.User;

public class NonNullExample {
    private String name;

    public NonNullExample(User user) {
        if (user == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("person is marked @NonNull but is null");
        this.name = user.getFirstName();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        NonNullExample example = new NonNullExample(null);

With Project Lombok

With Project Lombok, we are not writing any code to handle null pointer null but we are just adding @NonNull annotation:
package net.javaguides.lombok.nonnull;

import lombok.NonNull;
import net.javaguides.lombok.User;

public class NonNullLombokExample {
    private String name;

    public NonNullLombokExample(@NonNull User person) {
        this.name = person.getFirstName();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        NonNullLombokExample example = new NonNullLombokExample(null);
The @NonNull annotation automatically generates that null check for you.

Common Use Cases 

Method Parameters: As seen above, you can use @NonNull to annotate method or constructor parameters to ensure that they are never passed a null value. 

Field Initialization: You can use @NonNull on fields that are expected to be initialized immediately, either directly or through a constructor. 

Limitations and Considerations 

While @NonNull is beneficial, there are certain things to keep in mind: 

Lombok doesn't add null-checks everywhere: and Lombok adds null-checks in constructors, setters, and builder methods. It won't add checks to general methods or in other places. 

Runtime Overhead: Remember that the checks Lombok adds are runtime checks. They will slightly increase the execution time whenever they're triggered. However, this overhead is usually negligible.

Debugging: If you're not familiar with Lombok, it might initially be confusing when you see a NullPointerException thrown from a line that doesn't contain an explicit null check. It's essential to remember that Lombok has added these checks during the compilation process.


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