TypeScript Basic Syntax


In this chapter, we will explore the basic syntax of TypeScript by examining a simple TypeScript program. Understanding the basic syntax is crucial for writing TypeScript code effectively.

Table of Contents

  1. Basic TypeScript Syntax
  2. Declaring Variables
  3. Functions
  4. Type Annotations
  5. Conclusion

Basic TypeScript Syntax

Let's revisit the simple TypeScript program we wrote in the previous chapter and break down its syntax:

// src/index.ts
function greet(name: string): string {
  return `Hello, ${name}! Welcome to TypeScript.`;

const userName = "Ravi";

Declaring Variables

In TypeScript, you can declare variables using let, const, or var. However, let and const are preferred due to their block-scoping behavior.

  • let: Used to declare a variable whose value can be changed.
  • const: Used to declare a constant whose value cannot be changed.


let age: number = 30; // The value of 'age' can be changed
const name: string = "Ravi"; // The value of 'name' cannot be changed


Functions in TypeScript are similar to those in JavaScript, but with added type annotations for parameters and return types.


function greet(name: string): string {
  return `Hello, ${name}! Welcome to TypeScript.`;


  • function: Keyword to declare a function.
  • greet: Name of the function.
  • name: string: Parameter name with type annotation string.
  • : string: Return type annotation, indicating that the function returns a string.
  • `Hello, ${name}! Welcome to TypeScript.`: Template string used to return a greeting message.

Type Annotations

Type annotations are used to specify the types of variables, parameters, and return values. They help in catching type-related errors during development.


const userName: string = "Ravi";
let age: number = 30;


  • userName: string: Variable userName is annotated with the type string.
  • age: number: Variable age is annotated with the type number.

TypeScript uses type annotations to explicitly specify types for identifiers such as variables, functions, objects, etc.

TypeScript uses the syntax : type after an identifier as the type annotation, which type can be any valid type.

Console Output

The console.log method is used to print messages to the console. It is useful for debugging and displaying output.




  • console.log: Method to print messages to the console.
  • greet(userName): Calls the greet function with userName as the argument and prints the returned message.


In this chapter, we explored the basic syntax of TypeScript by breaking down a simple program. We learned how to declare variables, define functions, use type annotations, and print output to the console. Understanding these basics is essential for writing effective TypeScript code.


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