Golang filepath SkipDir Function

The filepath.SkipDir is a special sentinel error in the Go path/filepath package that is used to indicate that the directory currently being visited by filepath.Walk or filepath.WalkDir should be skipped. When returned by the WalkFunc or WalkDirFunc callback function, filepath.SkipDir signals the traversal to not descend into the directory and to continue with the next item in the directory tree.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. How filepath.SkipDir Works
  3. Examples
    • Skipping Specific Directories
    • Skipping Hidden Directories
  4. Real-World Use Case Example
  5. Conclusion


When using filepath.Walk or filepath.WalkDir to traverse a directory tree, there might be situations where you want to skip certain directories altogether, such as ignoring temporary or hidden directories. By returning filepath.SkipDir from your callback function, you instruct the traversal process to skip the current directory and continue with the next item in the directory tree.

How filepath.SkipDir Works

  • filepath.SkipDir: A sentinel error used to signal that the directory being visited should be skipped. When returned from a WalkFunc or WalkDirFunc, it causes the walker to skip the directory entirely, including all of its contents.

Usage in WalkFunc and WalkDirFunc:

  • In filepath.Walk: When filepath.SkipDir is returned, the Walk function will skip the directory and continue with the next directory or file.
  • In filepath.WalkDir: Similarly, when filepath.SkipDir is returned, the WalkDir function will not descend into the directory and will move on to the next entry.


Skipping Specific Directories

This example demonstrates how to use filepath.SkipDir to skip a specific directory (e.g., skipdir) during the directory traversal.


package main

import (

func main() {
	root := "./" // Replace with your root directory
	err := filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if info.IsDir() && info.Name() == "skipdir" {
			fmt.Println("Skipping directory:", path)
			return filepath.SkipDir
		fmt.Println("Visited:", path)
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error walking the path %q: %v\n", root, err)


Visited: ./
Visited: ./dir1
Visited: ./dir1/file1.txt
Skipping directory: ./skipdir
Visited: ./dir2
Visited: ./dir2/file2.txt


  • The callback function checks if the current directory is named "skipdir". If so, it returns filepath.SkipDir, causing the walker to skip that directory and its contents.

Skipping Hidden Directories

This example shows how to use filepath.SkipDir to skip all hidden directories (directories that start with a .).


package main

import (

func main() {
	root := "./" // Replace with your root directory
	err := filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if info.IsDir() && info.Name()[0] == '.' {
			fmt.Println("Skipping hidden directory:", path)
			return filepath.SkipDir
		fmt.Println("Visited:", path)
		return nil
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error walking the path %q: %v\n", root, err)


Visited: ./
Visited: ./dir1
Visited: ./dir1/file1.txt
Skipping hidden directory: ./.git
Visited: ./dir2
Visited: ./dir2/file2.txt


  • The callback function checks if the current directory name starts with a . (indicating a hidden directory). If so, it returns filepath.SkipDir to skip that directory.

Real-World Use Case Example: Ignoring Temporary Directories

Suppose you are writing a backup tool that needs to traverse a directory tree but should skip any temporary directories (e.g., those named tmp). You can use filepath.SkipDir to accomplish this.

Example: Skipping Temporary Directories

package main

import (

func backupFiles(root string) error {
	return filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if info.IsDir() && info.Name() == "tmp" {
			fmt.Println("Skipping temporary directory:", path)
			return filepath.SkipDir
		// Simulate file backup
		if !info.IsDir() {
			fmt.Println("Backing up file:", path)
		return nil

func main() {
	root := "./" // Replace with your root directory
	err := backupFiles(root)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error during backup: %v\n", err)


Backing up file: ./dir1/file1.txt
Skipping temporary directory: ./dir1/tmp
Backing up file: ./dir2/file2.txt


  • The backupFiles function uses filepath.Walk to traverse the directory tree and back up files.
  • Temporary directories named tmp are skipped using filepath.SkipDir, ensuring they are not included in the backup process.


The filepath.SkipDir sentinel error in Go is used for controlling the traversal of directory trees using filepath.Walk or filepath.WalkDir. By returning filepath.SkipDir from your callback function, you can easily skip unwanted directories, whether they are temporary, hidden, or otherwise irrelevant to your application’s logic. This feature enhances the flexibility and efficiency of directory traversal, making it easier to implement complex file-processing workflows in Go applications.


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