Golang filepath Rel Function

The filepath.Rel function in Golang is part of the path/filepath package and is used to compute the relative path from one directory to another. This function is particularly useful when you need to determine the path from a base directory to a target directory or file, which can be essential in file operations, generating relative links, or organizing files in a directory structure.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. filepath.Rel Function Syntax
  3. Examples
    • Basic Usage
    • Handling Absolute and Relative Paths
    • Edge Cases with filepath.Rel
  4. Real-World Use Case Example
  5. Conclusion


The filepath.Rel function calculates the relative path that, when joined to the base path, will point to the target path. If the target path cannot be made relative to the base path (for example, if they reside on different drives on Windows), the function returns an error.

filepath.Rel Function Syntax

The syntax for the filepath.Rel function is as follows:

func Rel(basepath, targpath string) (string, error)


  • basepath: A string representing the base directory from which you want to calculate the relative path.
  • targpath: A string representing the target directory or file path for which you want to calculate the relative path.


  • string: The relative path from basepath to targpath.
  • error: An error value that is non-nil if the relative path cannot be calculated.


Basic Usage

This example demonstrates how to use filepath.Rel to calculate the relative path from one directory to another.


package main

import (

func main() {
	basePath := "/home/user/docs"
	targetPath := "/home/user/docs/reports/annual.txt"
	relPath, err := filepath.Rel(basePath, targetPath)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error calculating relative path:", err)

	fmt.Println("Relative path:", relPath)


Relative path: reports/annual.txt


  • The filepath.Rel function calculates the relative path from "/home/user/docs" to "/home/user/docs/reports/annual.txt", which is "reports/annual.txt".

Handling Absolute and Relative Paths

This example shows how filepath.Rel behaves when dealing with both absolute and relative paths.


package main

import (

func main() {
	basePath := "/home/user"
	targetPath := "../admin/config.yaml"
	relPath, err := filepath.Rel(basePath, targetPath)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error calculating relative path:", err)

	fmt.Println("Relative path:", relPath)


Error calculating relative path: Rel: can't make ../admin/config.yaml relative to /home/user


  • In this example, the base path is absolute ("/home/user"), and the target path is relative ("../admin/config.yaml"). Since the target path is not within the base path's hierarchy, the function returns an error, indicating that the relative path cannot be calculated.

Edge Cases with filepath.Rel

This example demonstrates how filepath.Rel handles various edge cases, such as when the paths are the same or when the target path is an ancestor of the base path.


package main

import (

func main() {
	examples := []struct {
		basePath   string
		targetPath string
		{"/home/user/docs", "/home/user/docs"},
		{"/home/user/docs/reports", "/home/user/docs"},
		{"/home/user/docs", "/home/user/docs/reports/annual.txt"},
		{"/home/user", "/home/user/docs/../docs/reports"},

	for _, ex := range examples {
		relPath, err := filepath.Rel(ex.basePath, ex.targetPath)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Error calculating relative path from %s to %s: %v\n", ex.basePath, ex.targetPath, err)
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("Relative path from %s to %s: %s\n", ex.basePath, ex.targetPath, relPath)


Relative path from /home/user/docs to /home/user/docs: .
Relative path from /home/user/docs/reports to /home/user/docs: ..
Relative path from /home/user/docs to /home/user/docs/reports/annual.txt: reports/annual.txt
Relative path from /home/user to /home/user/docs/../docs/reports: docs/reports


  • When the base path and target path are the same, filepath.Rel returns ".", indicating that they are the same directory.
  • When the target path is a parent directory of the base path, filepath.Rel returns "..", indicating one level up.
  • The function handles paths with redundant elements (like ".." or ".") by normalizing them before calculating the relative path.

Real-World Use Case Example: Generating Relative Links

Suppose you are developing a website where you need to generate relative links between different pages or resources.

Example: Generating Relative Links

package main

import (

func generateRelativeLink(basePath, targetPath string) (string, error) {
	return filepath.Rel(basePath, targetPath)

func main() {
	basePath := "/var/www/html/pages"
	targetPath := "/var/www/html/assets/images/logo.png"

	relLink, err := generateRelativeLink(basePath, targetPath)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error generating relative link:", err)

	fmt.Println("Relative link:", relLink)


Relative link: ../assets/images/logo.png


  • The generateRelativeLink function calculates the relative path from the base directory ("/var/www/html/pages") to the target resource ("/var/www/html/assets/images/logo.png").
  • The resulting relative path ("../assets/images/logo.png") can be used as a link in a web page.


The filepath.Rel function in Go is used for calculating relative paths between two directories or files. It simplifies the process of generating relative links, organizing files, or performing file operations where relative paths are required.


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