Golang bytes.Replace Function

The bytes.Replace function in Golang is part of the bytes package and is used to replace occurrences of a specified byte slice within another byte slice with a different byte slice. You can control how many occurrences to replace, making this function particularly useful for text processing, data transformation, or modifying binary data.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. bytes.Replace Function Syntax
  3. Examples
    • Basic Usage
    • Replacing All Occurrences
    • Limiting the Number of Replacements
  4. Real-World Use Case
  5. Conclusion


The bytes.Replace function allows you to replace occurrences of a specific byte slice within another byte slice with a new byte slice. This is particularly useful when you need to modify text or data by replacing certain patterns or values.

bytes.Replace Function Syntax

The syntax for the bytes.Replace function is as follows:

func Replace(s, old, new []byte, n int) []byte


  • s: The byte slice to be searched.
  • old: The byte slice to be replaced.
  • new: The byte slice to replace old with.
  • n: The number of occurrences to replace. If n is -1, all occurrences will be replaced.


  • []byte: A new byte slice with the specified replacements.


Basic Usage

This example demonstrates how to use the bytes.Replace function to replace the first occurrence of a specified byte slice.


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Define the main byte slice
	data := []byte("Hello, world! Hello, Golang!")

	// Define the byte slice to replace and its replacement
	old := []byte("Hello")
	new := []byte("Hi")

	// Replace the first occurrence of "Hello"
	result := bytes.Replace(data, old, new, 1)

	// Print the result
	fmt.Printf("Result: %s\n", result)


Result: Hi, world! Hello, Golang!

Replacing All Occurrences

This example shows how to replace all occurrences of a byte slice using bytes.Replace.


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Define the main byte slice
	data := []byte("Hello, world! Hello, Golang!")

	// Define the byte slice to replace and its replacement
	old := []byte("Hello")
	new := []byte("Hi")

	// Replace all occurrences of "Hello"
	result := bytes.Replace(data, old, new, -1)

	// Print the result
	fmt.Printf("Result: %s\n", result)


Result: Hi, world! Hi, Golang!

Limiting the Number of Replacements

This example demonstrates how to limit the number of replacements to a specific number.


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Define the main byte slice
	data := []byte("foo bar foo bar foo")

	// Define the byte slice to replace and its replacement
	old := []byte("foo")
	new := []byte("baz")

	// Replace only the first 2 occurrences of "foo"
	result := bytes.Replace(data, old, new, 2)

	// Print the result
	fmt.Printf("Result: %s\n", result)


Result: baz bar baz bar foo


  • bytes.Replace searches for occurrences of the byte slice old within the byte slice s and replaces them with the byte slice new.
  • The n parameter controls how many occurrences to replace. If n is -1, all occurrences are replaced.

Real-World Use Case

Sanitizing User Input

In real-world applications, bytes.Replace can be used to sanitize user input by replacing unwanted or harmful characters with safe alternatives.

Example: Replacing Unwanted Characters

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Simulate user input containing unwanted characters
	userInput := []byte("Hello <script>alert('Hack!');</script> World!")

	// Define the characters to replace and their replacements
	old := []byte("<script>")
	new := []byte("")

	// Replace the unwanted script tag with an empty string
	sanitizedInput := bytes.Replace(userInput, old, new, -1)
	sanitizedInput = bytes.Replace(sanitizedInput, []byte("</script>"), []byte(""), -1)

	// Print the sanitized input
	fmt.Printf("Sanitized Input: %s\n", sanitizedInput)


Sanitized Input: Hello alert('Hack!'); World!


  • The example shows how bytes.Replace can be used to sanitize user input by removing unwanted script tags, improving security and data integrity.


The bytes.Replace function in Go is used for modifying byte slices by replacing specific patterns. Whether you're replacing all occurrences, limiting replacements, or sanitizing input data, bytes.Replace provides a flexible and efficient way to perform these operations. Its ability to handle various replacement scenarios makes it a valuable function in text processing, data transformation, and other applications.


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