Golang bytes.LastIndex Function

The bytes.LastIndex function in Golang is part of the bytes package and is used to find the last occurrence of a specified byte slice within another byte slice. It returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified slice, or -1 if the slice is not present. This function is particularly useful when you need to locate the position of a substring or pattern from the end of a byte slice.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. bytes.LastIndex Function Syntax
  3. Examples
    • Basic Usage
    • Subslice Not Found
    • Finding a Subslice at the End
  4. Real-World Use Case
  5. Conclusion


The bytes.LastIndex function helps you determine the position of the last occurrence of a specific byte slice within another byte slice. This is commonly used in text processing, data parsing, and searching for patterns in binary data.

bytes.LastIndex Function Syntax

The syntax for the bytes.LastIndex function is as follows:

func LastIndex(s, sep []byte) int


  • s: The byte slice to be searched.
  • sep: The byte slice to find within s.


  • int: The index of the last occurrence of sep within s, or -1 if sep is not found.


Basic Usage

This example demonstrates how to use the bytes.LastIndex function to find the last occurrence of a specified byte slice.


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Define the main byte slice
	data := []byte("Hello, Golang! Welcome to Golang!")

	// Define the byte slice to find
	subSlice := []byte("Golang")

	// Use bytes.LastIndex to find the last occurrence
	index := bytes.LastIndex(data, subSlice)

	// Print the result
	fmt.Printf("The last occurrence of '%s' is at index %d.\n", subSlice, index)


The last occurrence of 'Golang' is at index 23.

Subslice Not Found

This example shows how bytes.LastIndex behaves when the specified byte slice is not found.


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Define the main byte slice
	data := []byte("Hello, Golang!")

	// Define a byte slice that is not present
	subSlice := []byte("Python")

	// Use bytes.LastIndex to search for the byte slice
	index := bytes.LastIndex(data, subSlice)

	// Print the result
	if index == -1 {
		fmt.Printf("The byte slice '%s' was not found.\n", subSlice)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("The last occurrence of '%s' is at index %d.\n", subSlice, index)


The byte slice 'Python' was not found.

Finding a Subslice at the End

This example demonstrates how bytes.LastIndex can find a subslice that occurs at the end of the byte slice.


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Define the main byte slice
	data := []byte("Welcome to Golang")

	// Define the byte slice to find
	subSlice := []byte("Golang")

	// Use bytes.LastIndex to find the last occurrence
	index := bytes.LastIndex(data, subSlice)

	// Print the result
	fmt.Printf("The last occurrence of '%s' is at index %d.\n", subSlice, index)


The last occurrence of 'Golang' is at index 11.


  • bytes.LastIndex searches for the last occurrence of the byte slice sep within the byte slice s.
  • If sep is found, the function returns the index of its last occurrence; if not, it returns -1.

Real-World Use Case

Parsing Log Files

In real-world applications, bytes.LastIndex can be used to parse log files where you need to find the last occurrence of a specific pattern, such as a timestamp or an error message.

Example: Finding the Last Occurrence of an Error Code

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Simulate a log file content
	logData := []byte("INFO: Start process\nERROR: Code 1234\nINFO: Process running\nERROR: Code 5678\n")

	// Define the error code pattern to find
	errorCode := []byte("ERROR: Code")

	// Use bytes.LastIndex to find the last occurrence of the error code
	index := bytes.LastIndex(logData, errorCode)

	// Print the position of the last error code
	if index != -1 {
		fmt.Printf("The last occurrence of the error code is at index %d.\n", index)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Error code not found.")


The last occurrence of the error code is at index 51.


  • The example shows how bytes.LastIndex can be used to find the last occurrence of an error code in a log file, making it easier to locate and analyze the most recent errors.


The bytes.LastIndex function in Go is used for locating the last occurrence of a specific byte slice within another byte slice. Whether you're parsing data, searching for specific patterns, or processing text, bytes.LastIndex provides an efficient way to find the position of substrings from the end. Its simple interface and straightforward behavior make it a versatile function for a wide range of applications.


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