Golang bytes.IndexAny Function

The bytes.IndexAny function in Golang is part of the bytes package and is used to find the first occurrence of any of the bytes in a specified string within a byte slice. It returns the index of the first occurrence of any of these bytes, or -1 if none of the bytes are found. This function is particularly useful when you need to locate the first occurrence of any character from a set within a larger byte slice.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. bytes.IndexAny Function Syntax
  3. Examples
    • Basic Usage
    • No Matching Byte Found
    • Finding Special Characters
  4. Real-World Use Case
  5. Conclusion


The bytes.IndexAny function is helpful when you need to determine the position of the first occurrence of any byte from a set within a larger byte slice. This is commonly used in scenarios like parsing text, processing inputs, or searching for delimiters.

bytes.IndexAny Function Syntax

The syntax for the bytes.IndexAny function is as follows:

func IndexAny(s []byte, chars string) int


  • s: The byte slice to be searched.
  • chars: A string containing the set of bytes to find within s.


  • int: The index of the first occurrence of any byte from chars within s, or -1 if none of the bytes are found.


Basic Usage

This example demonstrates how to use the bytes.IndexAny function to find the first occurrence of any byte from a set within a byte slice.


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Define the main byte slice
	data := []byte("Hello, Golang!")

	// Define the set of characters to find
	chars := "aeiou"

	// Use bytes.IndexAny to find the first vowel
	index := bytes.IndexAny(data, chars)

	// Print the result
	fmt.Printf("The first vowel is at index %d.\n", index)


The first vowel is at index 1.

No Matching Byte Found

This example shows how bytes.IndexAny behaves when none of the specified bytes are found in the byte slice.


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Define the main byte slice
	data := []byte("Golang")

	// Define a set of characters that are not in the slice
	chars := "xyz"

	// Use bytes.IndexAny to search for the characters
	index := bytes.IndexAny(data, chars)

	// Print the result
	if index == -1 {
		fmt.Println("None of the specified characters were found.")
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("A specified character was found at index %d.\n", index)


None of the specified characters were found.

Finding Special Characters

This example demonstrates how to find the first occurrence of any special character in a byte slice.


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Define the main byte slice with special characters
	data := []byte("Hello@World#2024")

	// Define the set of special characters to find
	chars := "@#"

	// Use bytes.IndexAny to find the first special character
	index := bytes.IndexAny(data, chars)

	// Print the result
	fmt.Printf("The first special character is at index %d.\n", index)


The first special character is at index 5.


  • bytes.IndexAny searches for the first occurrence of any byte from the string chars within the byte slice s.
  • If any of the bytes are found, the function returns the index of the first occurrence; if none are found, it returns -1.

Real-World Use Case

Parsing User Input

In real-world applications, bytes.IndexAny can be used to parse user input by locating the first occurrence of any delimiter or special character within the input data.

Example: Finding a Delimiter in User Input

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Simulate user input
	userInput := []byte("username:john_doe,email:john@example.com")

	// Define the delimiters to find
	delimiters := ":,"

	// Use bytes.IndexAny to find the first delimiter
	index := bytes.IndexAny(userInput, delimiters)

	// Print the position of the delimiter
	if index != -1 {
		fmt.Printf("The first delimiter is at index %d.\n", index)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("No delimiter found.")


The first delimiter is at index 8.


  • The example shows how bytes.IndexAny can be used to find the first occurrence of a delimiter in user input, which can then be used to parse the input further.


The bytes.IndexAny function in Go is used for finding the first occurrence of any byte from a set within a byte slice. Whether you're parsing text, searching for special characters, or processing input data, bytes.IndexAny provides an efficient way to locate the position of multiple possible bytes. Its straightforward behavior and ability to handle various search scenarios make it a valuable function in text and data processing tasks.


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