Golang bytes.FieldsFunc Function

The bytes.FieldsFunc function in Golang is part of the bytes package and is used to split a byte slice into multiple slices based on a custom delimiter defined by a user-provided function. This function provides flexibility in splitting data compared to bytes.Fields, which only splits based on white space.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. bytes.FieldsFunc Function Syntax
  3. Examples
    • Basic Usage
    • Custom Delimiter Function
    • Handling Multiple Delimiters
  4. Real-World Use Case
  5. Conclusion


The bytes.FieldsFunc function is ideal when you need to split a byte slice based on custom criteria. This can be particularly useful when dealing with complex data formats that require splitting based on specific characters or patterns.

bytes.FieldsFunc Function Syntax

The syntax for the bytes.FieldsFunc function is as follows:

func FieldsFunc(s []byte, f func(rune) bool) [][]byte


  • s: The byte slice to be split.
  • f: A function that takes a rune as input and returns true if the rune should be considered a delimiter.


  • [][]byte: A slice of byte slices, each representing a section of the original byte slice that was split by the custom delimiter.


Basic Usage

This example demonstrates how to use the bytes.FieldsFunc function to split a byte slice using a custom delimiter function.


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Define a byte slice with various delimiters
	data := []byte("Hello, Golang! How-are-you?")

	// Define a custom function to treat punctuation marks as delimiters
	delimiterFunc := func(r rune) bool {
		return unicode.IsPunct(r)

	// Use bytes.FieldsFunc to split the byte slice
	fields := bytes.FieldsFunc(data, delimiterFunc)

	// Print the result
	for i, field := range fields {
		fmt.Printf("Field %d: %s\n", i+1, field)


Field 1: Hello
Field 2: Golang
Field 3: How
Field 4: are
Field 5: you

Custom Delimiter Function

You can use bytes.FieldsFunc with any custom function that defines your own delimiter logic. Here's an example where digits are used as delimiters.


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Byte slice with digits as potential delimiters
	data := []byte("abc1def2ghi3jkl")

	// Define a function to use digits as delimiters
	delimiterFunc := func(r rune) bool {
		return unicode.IsDigit(r)

	// Use bytes.FieldsFunc to split the byte slice
	fields := bytes.FieldsFunc(data, delimiterFunc)

	// Print the result
	for i, field := range fields {
		fmt.Printf("Field %d: %s\n", i+1, field)


Field 1: abc
Field 2: def
Field 3: ghi
Field 4: jkl

Handling Multiple Delimiters

The bytes.FieldsFunc function can treat multiple characters as delimiters by defining a custom function. Here's an example where spaces and commas are treated as delimiters.


package main

import (

func main() {
	// Byte slice with multiple delimiters (spaces and commas)
	data := []byte("Hello,,  World,  Golang")

	// Define a function to use spaces and commas as delimiters
	delimiterFunc := func(r rune) bool {
		return r == ',' || unicode.IsSpace(r)

	// Use bytes.FieldsFunc to split the byte slice
	fields := bytes.FieldsFunc(data, delimiterFunc)

	// Print the result
	for i, field := range fields {
		fmt.Printf("Field %d: %s\n", i+1, field)


Field 1: Hello
Field 2: World
Field 3: Golang


  • bytes.FieldsFunc allows for splitting a byte slice using custom delimiter logic.
  • It is particularly useful when dealing with complex data formats where standard delimiters (like spaces) are insufficient.

Real-World Use Case

Parsing Log Files

In real-world applications, bytes.FieldsFunc can be used to parse log files where entries are separated by specific symbols or patterns. For example, you might use it to split log entries by custom delimiters such as pipes (|) or specific keywords.

Example: Parsing a Log File with Custom Delimiters

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Simulated log data
	logData := []byte("INFO|2024-08-08|User login successful|User: john_doe")

	// Define a custom delimiter function to split log entries by pipe symbol '|'
	delimiterFunc := func(r rune) bool {
		return r == '|'

	// Use bytes.FieldsFunc to split the log data
	entries := bytes.FieldsFunc(logData, delimiterFunc)

	// Print the parsed log entries
	for i, entry := range entries {
		fmt.Printf("Entry %d: %s\n", i+1, strings.TrimSpace(string(entry)))


Entry 1: INFO
Entry 2: 2024-08-08
Entry 3: User login successful
Entry 4: User: john_doe


  • The example shows how bytes.FieldsFunc can be used to parse log files by treating the pipe symbol as a delimiter, making it easier to extract meaningful information from log data.


The bytes.FieldsFunc function in Go provides a flexible way to split byte slices based on custom criteria, making it ideal for more complex text processing tasks. Whether you're parsing logs, processing structured data, or dealing with non-standard delimiters, bytes.FieldsFunc offers the versatility needed for advanced text manipulation.


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