Top 8 Tips for RESTful API Design: Best Practices for Developers

RESTful APIs (Representational State Transfer) are the backbone of modern software applications, enabling seamless communication between different systems. However, designing an efficient and scalable API requires careful consideration of best practices. This blog will dive into the top 8 tips for RESTful API design, providing detailed explanations, examples, and actionable insights to help you create robust APIs.

1. Domain Model-Driven Design

Design your API endpoints based on your domain model, ensuring the structure reflects real-world entities and their relationships. This approach simplifies navigation and improves maintainability.

Best Practices

  • Use nested resource paths to represent relationships between entities.
  • Avoid deep nesting (e.g., /order/{id}/items/{itemId}/details) to prevent complexity.


For an e-commerce system:

  • Entity: Order and OrderItem
  • Endpoint: /orders/{id}/items

This endpoint retrieves all items for a specific order.

2. Choose HTTP Methods Appropriately

HTTP methods define the action to be performed on a resource. Using the correct method ensures clarity and consistency.

Best Practices

  • GET: Retrieve data (e.g., /users to fetch all users).
  • POST: Create new resources (e.g., /users to create a user).
  • PUT: Update an existing resource (e.g., /users/{id} to update a user).
  • DELETE: Remove a resource (e.g., /users/{id} to delete a user).
  • Avoid misusing PATCH for actions that might confuse clients.

Common Mistake

  • Using GET for actions that modify data.

3. Implement Idempotence Properly

Idempotent HTTP methods produce the same result regardless of how many times they are executed.

Best Practices

  • GET: Naturally idempotent; it only retrieves data.
  • PUT/DELETE: Design to ensure the result is consistent across multiple requests.
  • POST: Not idempotent by nature; consider implementing business logic to handle duplicate requests gracefully.


A DELETE request to /orders/{id} should always delete the same order, no matter how many times it is called.

4. Choose the Right HTTP Status Codes

HTTP status codes communicate the outcome of an API request. Using the right codes improves client understanding and debugging.

Common Codes

  • 200: OK (Request was successful).
  • 201: Created (New resource created).
  • 400: Bad Request (Validation failed).
  • 401: Unauthorized (Authentication required).
  • 403: Forbidden (No access).
  • 404: Not Found (Resource doesn’t exist).
  • 500: Internal Server Error.


  • On successfully creating a user: Return 201 Created with a link to the new resource.

5. Versioning

Versioning ensures backward compatibility when updating your API. It helps clients migrate to new versions without breaking existing functionality.

Best Practices

  • Use version numbers in the URL path (e.g., /v1/users).
  • Alternative methods: Include the version in the query parameter or header.


  • URL Path: GET /v1/users
  • Query Parameter: GET /users?v=1
  • Header: GET /users with Header: Version: v1

6. Use Semantic Paths

Your API paths should be intuitive and describe the resource rather than the action.

Best Practices

  • Use nouns instead of verbs.
  • Stick to consistent naming conventions (e.g., singular for single resources and plural for collections).


  • Good: POST /v1/users/login
  • Bad: POST /v1/loginUser

7. Support Batch Processing

Batch processing allows clients to send multiple requests in a single transaction, improving efficiency and reducing overhead.

Best Practices

  • Provide endpoints for bulk operations.
  • Ensure atomicity: Either all operations succeed or none do.


  • Single Transaction: POST /v1/users to create one user.
  • Batch Transaction: POST /v1/users/batch to create multiple users.

8. Use Query Parameters for Flexibility

Query parameters provide additional functionality, such as filtering, sorting, and pagination.

Best Practices

  • Pagination: Use page and size parameters (e.g., GET /users?page=1&size=20).
  • Sorting: Allow sorting by fields (e.g., GET /users?sort=name:asc).
  • Filtering: Use key-value pairs (e.g., GET /users?age=gt:20).


To fetch users aged above 20 and sort them by name in ascending order:

GET /users?age=gt:20&sort=name:asc

Common Mistakes to Avoid in RESTful API Design

  1. Inconsistent Naming:
    • Stick to singular/plural conventions for resources.
  2. Deep Nesting:
    • Avoid endpoints like /orders/{id}/items/{itemId}/details. Keep it flat.
  3. Ignoring Caching:
    • Implement caching for frequently accessed resources to reduce latency.
  4. Lack of Documentation:
    • Use tools like Swagger/OpenAPI to provide clear API documentation.


Designing a RESTful API involves more than just setting up endpoints. Following these best practices ensures your API is intuitive, scalable, and easy to maintain. By focusing on domain-driven design, proper versioning, semantic paths, and idempotence, you can create APIs that developers love to use.

Which of these tips do you follow in your API design? Share your thoughts in the comments!


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