Kotlin StringBuilder


In Kotlin, StringBuilder is a class that provides a mutable sequence of characters. It is part of the kotlin.text package and is used to create and manipulate strings efficiently. Unlike regular strings, StringBuilder allows modifications without creating new objects, making it ideal for scenarios where you need to build or modify strings frequently.

Table of Contents

  1. What is StringBuilder?
  2. Creating a StringBuilder
  3. Common Functions
  4. Examples of StringBuilder
  5. Real-World Use Case
  6. Conclusion

1. What is StringBuilder?

StringBuilder is a class in Kotlin that allows for the efficient creation and modification of strings. It is mutable, meaning that it can change its content without creating new objects. This makes it particularly useful for scenarios where you need to build or modify strings dynamically.


class StringBuilder : Appendable, CharSequence

2. Creating a StringBuilder

You can create a StringBuilder using its constructor or by converting a regular string.


val sb1 = StringBuilder() // Creates an empty StringBuilder
val sb2 = StringBuilder("Hello") // Creates a StringBuilder with initial content
val sb3 = "Hello".toStringBuilder() // Converts a regular string to a StringBuilder

3. Common Functions

Append Functions

  • append(value: Any?): StringBuilder: Appends the string representation of the specified value to this sequence.
  • append(value: String): StringBuilder: Appends the specified string to this sequence.
  • append(value: Char): StringBuilder: Appends the specified character to this sequence.

Insert Functions

  • insert(index: Int, value: Any?): StringBuilder: Inserts the string representation of the specified value at the specified index.
  • insert(index: Int, value: String): StringBuilder: Inserts the specified string at the specified index.
  • insert(index: Int, value: Char): StringBuilder: Inserts the specified character at the specified index.

Delete Functions

  • delete(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int): StringBuilder: Removes the characters in a substring of this sequence.
  • deleteCharAt(index: Int): StringBuilder: Removes the character at the specified index.

Replace Functions

  • replace(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int, value: String): StringBuilder: Replaces the characters in a substring of this sequence with the specified string.

Other Functions

  • clear(): StringBuilder: Clears the content of this sequence.
  • reverse(): StringBuilder: Reverses the characters in this sequence.
  • toString(): String: Converts this sequence to a string.

4. Examples of StringBuilder

Example 1: Basic Usage of StringBuilder

This example demonstrates how to create and append strings using StringBuilder.

fun main() {
    val sb = StringBuilder("Hello")
    sb.append(", ").append("world!")
    println(sb.toString()) // Output: Hello, world!


Hello, world!

This example creates a StringBuilder with the initial content "Hello" and appends ", world!" to it.

Example 2: Inserting Strings

This example demonstrates how to insert strings at a specified index.

fun main() {
    val sb = StringBuilder("Hello world!")
    sb.insert(6, "beautiful ")
    println(sb.toString()) // Output: Hello beautiful world!


Hello beautiful world!

This example inserts the string "beautiful " at index 6.

Example 3: Deleting Characters

This example demonstrates how to delete a range of characters from the StringBuilder.

fun main() {
    val sb = StringBuilder("Hello beautiful world!")
    sb.delete(6, 16)
    println(sb.toString()) // Output: Hello world!


Hello world!

This example deletes the characters from index 6 to 16.

Example 4: Replacing Substrings

This example demonstrates how to replace a range of characters with a new string.

fun main() {
    val sb = StringBuilder("Hello beautiful world!")
    sb.replace(6, 16, "wonderful")
    println(sb.toString()) // Output: Hello wonderful world!


Hello wonderful world!

This example replaces the characters from index 6 to 16 with the string "wonderful".

Example 5: Clearing the Content

This example demonstrates how to clear the content of the StringBuilder.

fun main() {
    val sb = StringBuilder("Hello world!")
    println(sb.toString()) // Output: (an empty string)


(an empty string)

This example clears the content of the StringBuilder.

Example 6: Reversing the Content

This example demonstrates how to reverse the characters in the StringBuilder.

fun main() {
    val sb = StringBuilder("Hello world!")
    println(sb.toString()) // Output: !dlrow olleH


!dlrow olleH

This example reverses the characters in the StringBuilder.

5. Real-World Use Case: Building a Dynamic SQL Query

You can use StringBuilder to build a dynamic SQL query based on user input.

Example: Building a Dynamic SQL Query

fun main() {
    val baseQuery = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE"
    val filters = listOf("age > 18", "country = 'India'", "status = 'active'")

    val sb = StringBuilder(baseQuery)
    filters.forEach { filter ->
        sb.append(" ").append(filter).append(" AND")
    sb.setLength(sb.length - 4) // Remove the trailing " AND"

    println(sb.toString()) // Output: SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 18 AND country = 'India' AND status = 'active'


SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 18 AND country = 'India' AND status = 'active'

This example builds a dynamic SQL query by appending filters based on user input and removes the trailing " AND".


The StringBuilder class in Kotlin is a powerful and flexible way to create and manipulate strings efficiently. It is part of the Kotlin standard library and provides essential operations for appending, inserting, deleting, and replacing characters and strings. Understanding and utilizing the StringBuilder class can greatly enhance your ability to work with dynamic and mutable strings in Kotlin.
