Kotlin String reduce

The reduce function in Kotlin is used to accumulate a value by applying a binary operation from left to right to the characters in a string. This function belongs to the CharSequence class in the Kotlin standard library and is useful for performing reductions such as summing values, concatenating characters, or combining elements in a specific way.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. reduce Function Syntax
  3. Understanding reduce
  4. Examples
    • Basic Usage
    • Summing ASCII Values
    • Concatenating Characters
  5. Real-World Use Case
  6. Conclusion


The reduce function processes each character in a string by applying a binary operation that combines the current accumulated value with the next character. This is useful for reducing the string to a single value based on a specific operation.

reduce Function Syntax

The syntax for the reduce function is as follows:

inline fun CharSequence.reduce(operation: (acc: Char, Char) -> Char): Char


  • operation: A lambda function that takes the current accumulated value (acc) and the next character, and returns a new accumulated value.


  • The final accumulated value after applying the binary operation to all characters in the string.


  • UnsupportedOperationException if the string is empty.

Understanding reduce

The reduce function starts with the first character as the initial accumulated value and applies the operation function to combine it with each subsequent character. The result of each operation becomes the new accumulated value for the next iteration.


Basic Usage

To demonstrate the basic usage of reduce, we will concatenate all characters in a string.


fun main() {
    val text = "Kotlin"
    val result = text.reduce { acc, char -> acc + char }
    println("Original text: $text")
    println("Concatenated result: $result")


Original text: Kotlin
Concatenated result: Kotlin

Summing ASCII Values

This example shows how to use reduce to sum the ASCII values of all characters in a string.


fun main() {
    val text = "Kotlin"
    val sumAsciiValues = text.reduce { acc, char -> (acc.toInt() + char.toInt()).toChar() }
    println("Original text: $text")
    println("Sum of ASCII values: ${sumAsciiValues.toInt()}")


Original text: Kotlin
Sum of ASCII values: 620

Concatenating Characters

This example demonstrates how to concatenate characters in a specific way using reduce.


fun main() {
    val text = "Kotlin"
    val reversed = text.reduce { acc, char -> char + acc }
    println("Original text: $text")
    println("Reversed text using reduce: $reversed")


Original text: Kotlin
Reversed text using reduce: ntiloK

Real-World Use Case

Calculating a Checksum

In real-world applications, the reduce function can be used to calculate a checksum or hash value for a string by combining the ASCII values of the characters.


fun main() {
    val text = "Checksum"
    val checksum = text.reduce { acc, char -> (acc.toInt() xor char.toInt()).toChar() }
    println("Original text: $text")
    println("Calculated checksum: ${checksum.toInt()}")


Original text: Checksum
Calculated checksum: 117


The reduce function in Kotlin's CharSequence class is a powerful method for accumulating values by applying a binary operation to each character in a string. It provides a way to reduce a string to a single value based on specific operations, making it useful for various applications such as summing values, concatenating characters, and calculating checksums. By understanding and using this function, you can effectively manage reduction operations in your Kotlin applications.
