Kotlin Pair


In Kotlin, the Pair class is used to store two related values. It is a simple data structure that holds a pair of values, which can be of different types. The Pair class is useful when you need to return two values from a function, or when you want to group two related values together.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the Pair Class?
  2. Creating a Pair
  3. Accessing Pair Values
  4. Pair Functions
  5. Examples of Pair
  6. Real-World Use Case
  7. Conclusion

1. What is the Pair Class?

The Pair class in Kotlin is a generic class that holds two values, often referred to as first and second. It is defined as:

data class Pair<out A, out B>(val first: A, val second: B)

2. Creating a Pair

You can create a Pair in Kotlin using the Pair constructor or the to infix function.

Using the Pair Constructor

val pair = Pair("Hello", 42)

Using the to Infix Function

val pair = "Hello" to 42

3. Accessing Pair Values

You can access the values of a Pair using the first and second properties.


fun main() {
    val pair = "Hello" to 42
    println("First: ${pair.first}")
    println("Second: ${pair.second}")


First: Hello
Second: 42

4. Pair Functions

The Pair class provides several useful functions:

  • toList(): Converts the pair to a list.
  • component1(): Returns the first component.
  • component2(): Returns the second component.


fun main() {
    val pair = "Hello" to 42

    // Convert to list
    val list = pair.toList()
    println("List: $list")

    // Destructure pair
    val (first, second) = pair
    println("First: $first, Second: $second")


List: [Hello, 42]
First: Hello, Second: 42

5. Examples of Pair

Example 1: Returning Two Values from a Function

This example demonstrates how to return two values from a function using Pair.

fun calculate(a: Int, b: Int): Pair<Int, Int> {
    val sum = a + b
    val product = a * b
    return Pair(sum, product)

fun main() {
    val (sum, product) = calculate(3, 4)
    println("Sum: $sum, Product: $product")


Sum: 7
Product: 12

This example shows a function that returns a pair of values (sum and product) using Pair.

Example 2: Storing Related Values

This example demonstrates how to use Pair to store related values.

fun main() {
    val capitalCities = listOf(
        "India" to "New Delhi",
        "USA" to "Washington, D.C.",
        "Japan" to "Tokyo"

    for (pair in capitalCities) {
        println("The capital of ${pair.first} is ${pair.second}")


The capital of India is New Delhi
The capital of USA is Washington, D.C.
The capital of Japan is Tokyo

This example shows how to use Pair to store and print related values (country and capital city).

Example 3: Using Pair in a Map

This example demonstrates how to use Pair in a map.

fun main() {
    val coordinates = mapOf(
        "A" to Pair(1, 2),
        "B" to Pair(3, 4),
        "C" to Pair(5, 6)

    for ((key, value) in coordinates) {
        println("Point $key: x=${value.first}, y=${value.second}")


Point A: x=1, y=2
Point B: x=3, y=4
Point C: x=5, y=6

This example shows how to use Pair to store and print coordinates in a map.

6. Real-World Use Case: Parsing URL Parameters

In a real-world scenario, you might need to parse URL parameters and store them as key-value pairs using Pair.

Example: Parsing URL Parameters

fun parseUrlParams(url: String): List<Pair<String, String>> {
    val params = url.substringAfter("?").split("&")
    return params.map {
        val (key, value) = it.split("=")
        key to value

fun main() {
    val url = "https://example.com?name=John&age=30&city=New+York"
    val params = parseUrlParams(url)

    for ((key, value) in params) {
        println("$key: $value")


name: John
age: 30
city: New York

This example parses URL parameters into a list of pairs and prints each key-value pair.


The Pair class in Kotlin is a useful data structure for storing and working with two related values. It provides an easy way to return multiple values from a function, store related values together, and perform various operations on them. Understanding how to use the Pair class can enhance your ability to write clean and efficient Kotlin code.
