Kotlin NoSuchElementException


In Kotlin, NoSuchElementException is a runtime exception that is thrown to indicate that the requested element does not exist. This exception is part of the Kotlin (and Java) standard library and typically occurs when trying to access an element in an iterator, list, map, or other collection that does not exist.

Table of Contents

  1. What is NoSuchElementException?
  2. Common Causes of NoSuchElementException
  3. Handling NoSuchElementException
  4. Examples of NoSuchElementException
  5. Real-World Use Case
  6. Conclusion

1. What is NoSuchElementException?

NoSuchElementException is a subclass of RuntimeException and is used to indicate that the requested element does not exist. This exception can occur when iterating over a collection, accessing elements in a list or map, or using methods that search for elements.


throw NoSuchElementException("Exception message")

2. Common Causes of NoSuchElementException

  • Calling next() on an iterator with no remaining elements.
  • Calling first() or last() on an empty list.
  • Accessing a key in a map that does not exist.
  • Using methods like find or single without a matching element.


fun main() {
    val list = listOf<Int>()
    val firstElement = list.first() // This will cause NoSuchElementException

3. Handling NoSuchElementException

You can handle NoSuchElementException using a try-catch block to prevent your program from crashing. Additionally, you can use Kotlin's safe methods that return null or provide default values.


fun main() {
    val list = listOf<Int>()
    try {
        val firstElement = list.first()
    } catch (e: NoSuchElementException) {
        println("Caught a no such element exception: ${e.message}")

4. Examples of NoSuchElementException

Example 1: Using next() on an Iterator

This example demonstrates how calling next() on an iterator with no remaining elements can cause NoSuchElementException.

fun main() {
    val list = listOf(1, 2, 3)
    val iterator = list.iterator()
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    try {
        println(iterator.next()) // This will cause NoSuchElementException
    } catch (e: NoSuchElementException) {
        println("Caught a no such element exception: ${e.message}")


Caught a no such element exception: null

This example catches and handles a NoSuchElementException caused by calling next() on an iterator that has no more elements.

Example 2: Using first() on an Empty List

This example demonstrates how calling first() on an empty list can cause NoSuchElementException.

fun main() {
    val list = listOf<Int>()
    try {
        val firstElement = list.first()
    } catch (e: NoSuchElementException) {
        println("Caught a no such element exception: ${e.message}")


Caught a no such element exception: List is empty.

This example catches and handles a NoSuchElementException caused by calling first() on an empty list.

Example 3: Using getValue() on a Map

This example demonstrates how accessing a key in a map that does not exist can cause NoSuchElementException.

fun main() {
    val map = mapOf("key1" to "value1")
    try {
        val value = map.getValue("key2")
    } catch (e: NoSuchElementException) {
        println("Caught a no such element exception: ${e.message}")


Caught a no such element exception: Key key2 is missing in the map.

This example catches and handles a NoSuchElementException caused by accessing a key in a map that does not exist.

Example 4: Using Safe Methods

This example demonstrates how to use safe methods that return null or provide default values to avoid NoSuchElementException.

fun main() {
    val list = listOf<Int>()
    val firstElement = list.firstOrNull()
    println("First element: $firstElement") // Output: First element: null

    val map = mapOf("key1" to "value1")
    val value = map["key2"] ?: "default"
    println("Value: $value") // Output: Value: default

This example shows how to use firstOrNull() to safely access the first element of a list and the Elvis operator ?: to provide a default value when a key is missing in a map, avoiding NoSuchElementException.

5. Real-World Use Case: Safe Retrieval of User Data

In a real-world scenario, you might need to safely retrieve user data from a collection or database, providing default values when data is missing.

Example: Safe Retrieval of User Data

data class User(val id: Int, val name: String)

fun getUserById(users: List<User>, id: Int): User {
    return users.find { it.id == id } ?: User(-1, "Unknown")

fun main() {
    val users = listOf(User(1, "Alice"), User(2, "Bob"))
    val user1 = getUserById(users, 1)
    val user3 = getUserById(users, 3)
    println("User 1: $user1") // Output: User 1: User(id=1, name=Alice)
    println("User 3: $user3") // Output: User 3: User(id=-1, name=Unknown)

This example shows how to safely retrieve user data by using the find method with the Elvis operator ?: to provide a default user when the requested user ID is not found, avoiding NoSuchElementException.


NoSuchElementException in Kotlin is a runtime exception that occurs when an element is requested but does not exist. By understanding how to handle NoSuchElementException using try-catch blocks and safe methods like firstOrNull(), lastOrNull(), and providing default values with the Elvis operator ?:, you can write more robust and error-resistant code. Proper handling of collection operations is crucial in real-world applications to ensure data integrity and prevent runtime exceptions.
