Kotlin @JvmStatic Annotation


In Kotlin, the @JvmStatic annotation is used to indicate that a method should be compiled as a static method in the Java bytecode. This annotation is typically used in companion objects, objects, and named objects to create static methods that are accessible from Java code. The @JvmStatic annotation enhances interoperability between Kotlin and Java.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the @JvmStatic Annotation?
  2. Using the @JvmStatic Annotation
  3. Benefits of @JvmStatic
  4. Examples of @JvmStatic
  5. Real-World Use Case
  6. Conclusion

1. What is the @JvmStatic Annotation?

The @JvmStatic annotation in Kotlin is used to expose a method as a static method in the Java bytecode. This means that the method can be accessed directly on the class without needing an instance, similar to static methods in Java.


class MyClass {
    companion object {
        fun staticMethod() {
            // implementation

2. Using the @JvmStatic Annotation

You can use the @JvmStatic annotation to expose methods in companion objects, objects, and named objects as static methods in Java bytecode.


class MyClass {
    companion object {
        fun staticMethod() {
            println("This is a static method")

3. Benefits of @JvmStatic

  • Interoperability with Java: Makes methods accessible as static methods in Java code.
  • Simplified Syntax: Allows calling methods directly on the class without creating an instance.
  • Consistency: Provides a way to create static-like methods in Kotlin to match Java's static methods.

4. Examples of @JvmStatic

Example 1: Using @JvmStatic in a Companion Object

This example demonstrates how to use @JvmStatic in a companion object to expose a static method.

class MyClass {
    companion object {
        fun staticMethod() {
            println("This is a static method")

        fun regularMethod() {
            println("This is a regular method")

fun main() {
    MyClass.staticMethod() // Calling static method
    MyClass.Companion.regularMethod() // Calling regular method


This is a static method
This is a regular method

This example shows how the staticMethod is called directly on the class, while the regularMethod is called on the companion object.

Example 2: Using @JvmStatic in an Object

This example demonstrates how to use @JvmStatic in an object to expose a static method.

object MyObject {
    fun staticMethod() {
        println("This is a static method")

    fun regularMethod() {
        println("This is a regular method")

fun main() {
    MyObject.staticMethod() // Calling static method
    MyObject.regularMethod() // Calling regular method


This is a static method
This is a regular method

This example shows how the staticMethod is called directly on the object, while the regularMethod is called on the object instance.

Example 3: Interoperability with Java

This example demonstrates how @JvmStatic enhances interoperability with Java code.

// Kotlin code
class MyClass {
    companion object {
        fun staticMethod() {
            println("This is a static method")

        fun regularMethod() {
            println("This is a regular method")

// Java code
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        MyClass.staticMethod(); // Calling static method
        MyClass.Companion.regularMethod(); // Calling regular method

This example shows how the staticMethod can be called directly on the class from Java code, while the regularMethod requires accessing the companion object.

5. Real-World Use Case: Utility Methods

In a real-world scenario, you might use @JvmStatic to create utility methods that are accessible from both Kotlin and Java code.

Example: Utility Methods

class Utils {
    companion object {
        fun calculateSum(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
            return a + b

        fun calculateDifference(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
            return a - b

fun main() {
    println(Utils.calculateSum(3, 5)) // Calling static method
    println(Utils.Companion.calculateDifference(10, 4)) // Calling regular method



This example defines utility methods for calculating the sum and difference of two integers, demonstrating how @JvmStatic makes the calculateSum method accessible as a static method.


The @JvmStatic annotation in Kotlin is used for exposing methods as static methods in the Java bytecode, enhancing interoperability with Java code. By understanding how to use the @JvmStatic annotation, you can create methods that are accessible directly on the class, providing a more familiar and convenient syntax for Java developers.
