Kotlin @JvmOverloads


In Kotlin, the @JvmOverloads annotation is used to generate overloaded methods for functions that have default parameter values. This annotation is particularly useful for interoperability with Java, where default parameters are not supported.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the @JvmOverloads Annotation?
  2. Using the @JvmOverloads Annotation
  3. Benefits of @JvmOverloads
  4. Examples of @JvmOverloads
  5. Real-World Use Case
  6. Conclusion

1. What is the @JvmOverloads Annotation?

The @JvmOverloads annotation in Kotlin is used to instruct the compiler to generate overloaded methods for a function that has default parameter values. This ensures that the function can be called from Java with different numbers of parameters, providing compatibility and ease of use.


fun functionName(param1: Type = defaultValue, param2: Type = defaultValue) {
    // implementation

2. Using the @JvmOverloads Annotation

You can use the @JvmOverloads annotation on functions to automatically generate overloaded versions of the function for each combination of parameters that can be omitted.


class MyClass {
    fun greet(name: String = "Guest", greeting: String = "Hello") {
        println("$greeting, $name!")

3. Benefits of @JvmOverloads

  • Interoperability with Java: Allows Kotlin functions with default parameters to be called from Java code.
  • Code Reduction: Eliminates the need to manually write overloaded methods.
  • Ease of Use: Provides multiple ways to call a function, enhancing flexibility.

4. Examples of @JvmOverloads

Example 1: Simple Function with Default Parameters

This example demonstrates how to use @JvmOverloads on a function with default parameters.

class Greeter {
    fun greet(name: String = "Guest", greeting: String = "Hello") {
        println("$greeting, $name!")

fun main() {
    val greeter = Greeter()
    greeter.greet()                // Output: Hello, Guest!
    greeter.greet("Alice")         // Output: Hello, Alice!
    greeter.greet("Alice", "Hi")   // Output: Hi, Alice!


Hello, Guest!
Hello, Alice!
Hi, Alice!

This example shows how the greet function can be called with different numbers of parameters, utilizing the default values when parameters are omitted.

Example 2: Function with Multiple Default Parameters

This example demonstrates how @JvmOverloads works with a function that has multiple default parameters.

class Calculator {
    fun add(a: Int = 0, b: Int = 0, c: Int = 0): Int {
        return a + b + c

fun main() {
    val calculator = Calculator()
    println(calculator.add())           // Output: 0
    println(calculator.add(5))          // Output: 5
    println(calculator.add(5, 10))      // Output: 15
    println(calculator.add(5, 10, 15))  // Output: 30



This example shows how the add function can be called with different numbers of parameters, providing flexibility in how it is used.

Example 3: Interoperability with Java

This example demonstrates how @JvmOverloads enhances interoperability with Java code.

// Kotlin code
class Printer {
    fun printMessage(message: String = "Default Message", times: Int = 1) {
        repeat(times) {

// Java code
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Printer printer = new Printer();
        printer.printMessage("Hello, World!");
        printer.printMessage("Hello, World!", 3);

This example shows how the printMessage function can be called from Java with different numbers of parameters, demonstrating the enhanced interoperability provided by @JvmOverloads.

5. Real-World Use Case: Creating Overloaded Constructors

In a real-world scenario, you might use @JvmOverloads to create overloaded constructors for a class to provide different ways to initialize an object.

Example: Overloaded Constructors

class Person @JvmOverloads constructor(
    val name: String = "Unknown",
    val age: Int = 0,
    val city: String = "Unknown"

fun main() {
    val person1 = Person()
    val person2 = Person("Alice")
    val person3 = Person("Alice", 25)
    val person4 = Person("Alice", 25, "New York")

    println(person1)  // Output: Person(name=Unknown, age=0, city=Unknown)
    println(person2)  // Output: Person(name=Alice, age=0, city=Unknown)
    println(person3)  // Output: Person(name=Alice, age=25, city=Unknown)
    println(person4)  // Output: Person(name=Alice, age=25, city=New York)


Person(name=Unknown, age=0, city=Unknown)
Person(name=Alice, age=0, city=Unknown)
Person(name=Alice, age=25, city=Unknown)
Person(name=Alice, age=25, city=New York)

This example demonstrates how to use @JvmOverloads to create multiple constructors for the Person class, providing different ways to initialize an object with default values.


The @JvmOverloads annotation in Kotlin is used for generating overloaded methods for functions with default parameter values, enhancing interoperability with Java and simplifying code. By understanding how to use the @JvmOverloads annotation, you can create flexible and versatile functions that can be called with different numbers of parameters, both from Kotlin and Java code.
