Kotlin AutoCloseable


In Kotlin, AutoCloseable is an interface that ensures resources are closed properly after use. It is typically used in scenarios where you need to manage resources like files, database connections, or network sockets. Implementing AutoCloseable allows you to use the use function, which ensures the resource is closed automatically.

Table of Contents

  1. What is AutoCloseable?
  2. Implementing AutoCloseable
  3. Common Scenarios for AutoCloseable
  4. Examples of AutoCloseable
  5. Real-World Use Case
  6. Conclusion

1. What is AutoCloseable?

AutoCloseable is an interface in Kotlin (inherited from Java) that has a single method close(). It is used to define objects that need to be closed after use to release resources. Classes that implement AutoCloseable can be used in a use block to ensure they are closed automatically.

2. Implementing AutoCloseable

To implement AutoCloseable, a class needs to override the close() method.


class MyResource : AutoCloseable {
    override fun close() {
        // Close the resource

3. Common Scenarios for AutoCloseable

  • Managing file I/O operations.
  • Handling database connections.
  • Managing network connections.
  • Releasing system resources.

4. Examples of AutoCloseable

Example 1: Simple Implementation of AutoCloseable

This example demonstrates a simple implementation of the AutoCloseable interface.

class MyResource : AutoCloseable {
    fun doSomething() {
        println("Resource is being used")

    override fun close() {
        println("Resource is being closed")

fun main() {
    MyResource().use { resource ->


Resource is being used
Resource is being closed

This example creates a MyResource class that implements AutoCloseable and demonstrates how the resource is automatically closed using the use function.

Example 2: Managing File I/O with AutoCloseable

This example demonstrates using AutoCloseable for managing file I/O operations.

import java.io.File

fun main() {
    val file = File("example.txt")
    file.bufferedWriter().use { writer ->
        writer.write("Hello, Kotlin!")

This example shows how to write to a file using bufferedWriter within a use block to ensure the writer is closed automatically.

Example 3: Handling Database Connections

This example demonstrates using AutoCloseable for managing a database connection.

import java.sql.Connection
import java.sql.DriverManager

class DatabaseConnection(url: String, user: String, password: String) : AutoCloseable {
    private val connection: Connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password)

    fun query(sql: String) {
        connection.createStatement().use { statement ->
            val resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql)
            while (resultSet.next()) {

    override fun close() {
        println("Database connection closed")

fun main() {
    val url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydatabase"
    val user = "root"
    val password = "password"

    DatabaseConnection(url, user, password).use { db ->
        db.query("SELECT * FROM mytable")

This example shows how to manage a database connection using AutoCloseable and ensures the connection is closed automatically after the query execution.

Example 4: Managing Network Connections

This example demonstrates using AutoCloseable for managing a network connection.

import java.net.Socket

class NetworkConnection(host: String, port: Int) : AutoCloseable {
    private val socket: Socket = Socket(host, port)

    fun sendData(data: String) {
        socket.getOutputStream().use { output ->

    override fun close() {
        println("Network connection closed")

fun main() {
    NetworkConnection("localhost", 8080).use { connection ->
        connection.sendData("Hello, Server!")

This example demonstrates managing a network connection using AutoCloseable and ensures the connection is closed automatically after sending data.

Example 5: Custom Resource Management

This example demonstrates a custom resource that implements AutoCloseable.

class CustomResource : AutoCloseable {
    fun performTask() {
        println("Performing a task")

    override fun close() {
        println("Custom resource closed")

fun main() {
    CustomResource().use { resource ->

This example shows how to create and use a custom resource that implements AutoCloseable, ensuring it is closed automatically.

5. Real-World Use Case: File Processing

In a real-world scenario, you might need to process multiple files and ensure they are closed properly.

Example: Processing Multiple Files

This example demonstrates processing multiple files using AutoCloseable.

import java.io.File

fun processFiles(filePaths: List<String>) {
    filePaths.forEach { path ->
        File(path).bufferedReader().use { reader ->

fun main() {
    val files = listOf("file1.txt", "file2.txt", "file3.txt")

This example shows how to process multiple files using bufferedReader within a use block, ensuring each file is closed automatically after processing.


AutoCloseable is a powerful interface in Kotlin that helps manage resources by ensuring they are closed properly after use. By implementing AutoCloseable and using the use function, you can write cleaner and more reliable code, preventing resource leaks and improving application stability. Understanding and applying AutoCloseable in your projects is essential for effective resource management.
