Java ThreadPoolExecutor Methods

The ThreadPoolExecutor class in Java is part of the java.util.concurrent package. It provides a flexible thread pool implementation designed for managing a pool of worker threads. This class is useful for managing a large number of short-lived tasks and can improve performance by reusing existing threads instead of creating new ones for each task.

This guide covers various methods available in the ThreadPoolExecutor class. Each method is described in simple terms to help beginners understand how to use them. These methods allow you to control and monitor the execution of tasks within a thread pool, providing a robust framework for concurrent programming in Java.

For more detailed information, please refer to the official Java SE Documentation.

Java ThreadPoolExecutor Methods

The table below contains various methods of the Java ThreadPoolExecutor class, each with a link to a detailed explanation, examples, and real-world uses. Click on the method names to learn more about how to use them effectively in your applications.

Method Description
afterExecute() Executes after a given Runnable completes.
allowCoreThreadTimeOut() Sets whether core threads can time out and terminate if no tasks are received.
awaitTermination() Waits for termination for a specified time period.
execute() Executes a given task.
getActiveCount() Returns the approximate number of actively executing tasks.
getMaximumPoolSize() Returns the maximum allowed number of threads.
getTaskCount() Returns the approximate total number of tasks that have ever been scheduled.
getThreadFactory() Returns the current thread factory used to create new threads.
isTerminated() Returns true if all tasks have completed following shutdown.
purge() Removes cancelled tasks from the work queue.
remove() Removes a task from the work queue if it is present.
setCorePoolSize() Sets the core number of threads.
setThreadFactory() Sets the thread factory used to create new threads.
shutdown() Initiates an orderly shutdown in which previously submitted tasks are executed, but no new tasks will be accepted.
shutdownNow() Attempts to stop all actively executing tasks, halts the processing of waiting tasks, and returns a list of the tasks that were awaiting execution.
