Linux Online Test - MCQ Questions

Embark on our Linux Online Test, designed with 25 multiple-choice questions to assess your knowledge of the Linux operating system. This test spans a variety of topics, from basic commands and file systems to advanced networking and security practices within the Linux environment. Ideal for both newcomers eager to learn the fundamentals and experienced users looking to deepen their expertise, this quiz offers a comprehensive evaluation of your Linux skills. 

Whether you are preparing for certification, a job interview, or simply want to test your understanding of Linux, this quiz will help you gauge your proficiency and identify areas for further growth. Ready to prove your Linux knowledge? Let's get started!

1. What is Linux?

a) A computer hardware company
b) An operating system based on the Unix philosophy
c) A type of antivirus software
d) A web browser

2. What is the command to list files in a directory in Linux?

a) list
b) show
c) dir
d) ls

3. Which command is used to display the current working directory?

a) pwd
b) cwd
c) dir
d) path

4. What is the default text editor in many Linux distributions?

a) Microsoft Word
b) Notepad
c) Vi
d) Adobe Reader

5. What does the command chmod do?

a) Changes the user associated with a file
b) Modifies the file extension
c) Changes the file permissions
d) Checks the mode of the operating system

6. What is the root directory in Linux?

a) The top-most directory in the directory hierarchy
b) A special directory for root users only
c) A directory that contains all user files
d) A temporary storage area

7. What does the command sudo stand for, and what does it do?

a) Superuser do: It is used to perform tasks that require administrative or root permissions
b) Switch user do: It switches the current user to another user
c) Super utility do: It enhances the utility of the system
d) System undo: It undoes the last command that was executed

8. What file system is commonly used in Linux installations?

a) FAT32
c) ext4

9. What is a Linux distribution?

a) A version of the Linux kernel
b) A collection of software that runs on top of the Linux kernel
c) A network configuration for Linux servers
d) A type of Linux security patch

10. How do you update all packages in a Debian-based system?

a) yum update
b) rpm update
c) apt-get update
d) update all

11. What is the purpose of the /etc directory?

a) To store user files
b) To store system configuration files
c) To store temporary files
d) To store backup files

12. What is Bash?

a) A programming language
b) A command processor that typically runs in a text window
c) A Linux file manager
d) A system monitor tool

13. How do you view the contents of a file in Linux?

a) view
b) open
c) cat
d) touch

14. What does the grep command do?

a) Edits text within files
b) Splits large files into smaller files
c) Searches text and patterns in files
d) Manages user permissions

15. What is a shell in Linux?

a) A program that protects the Linux kernel from attacks
b) A graphical interface used to interact with the operating system
c) A command-line interpreter that provides a user interface for the Unix/Linux operating system
d) A tool for managing Linux passwords

16. How do you create a new directory in Linux?

a) mkdir
b) crdir
c) newdir
d) makedir

17. What is a kernel in the context of Linux?

a) A device that connects Linux computers
b) The core component of the Linux operating system
c) A type of security software
d) A program for managing files

18. What does the df command do?

a) Displays free disk space
b) Deletes a file
c) Downloads files from the internet
d) Displays file types

19. What does GNU stand for?

a) General Navigation Utility
b) GNU's Not Unix
c) General Network Utility
d) Global Network User

20. How do you compress files using gzip?

a) gzip compress filename
b) gzip filename
c) compress filename.gz
d) zip filename.gz

21. What does the top command display?

a) Top users logged into the system
b) Directory structure of the home folder
c) Performance data about running processes
d) File transfer progress

22. How do you change the owner of a file?

a) changeowner
b) chown
c) own
d) setowner

23. What is a daemon in Linux?

a) A security threat
b) A type of virus
c) A background process that starts automatically
d) An error in the system

24. What does the kill command do?

a) Deletes files permanently
b) Stops a running process
c) Restarts the computer
d) Checks the system for errors

25. How do you display all currently running processes in Linux?

a) show all
b) ps
c) run
d) process
