JavaScript: Check If String Contains Substring

In JavaScript, checking if a string contains a specific substring is a common task. There are several methods to accomplish this, each with its own use cases and benefits. This guide will cover different ways to check if a string contains a substring, including the use of includes, indexOf, search, and RegExp.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Using includes Method
  3. Using indexOf Method
  4. Using search Method
  5. Using Regular Expressions
  6. Conclusion


Strings in JavaScript are a sequence of characters used to represent text. Checking if a string contains a specific substring can be done using various methods, each suited to different scenarios.

Using includes Method

The includes method determines whether one string may be found within another string, returning true or false as appropriate.




const str = "Hello, world!";
const substr1 = "world";
const substr2 = "JavaScript";

console.log(str.includes(substr1)); // true
console.log(str.includes(substr2)); // false

Using indexOf Method

The indexOf method returns the index within the calling string object of the first occurrence of the specified value, starting the search at fromIndex. Returns -1 if the value is not found.


string.indexOf(substring) !== -1


const str = "Hello, world!";
const substr1 = "world";
const substr2 = "JavaScript";

console.log(str.indexOf(substr1) !== -1); // true
console.log(str.indexOf(substr2) !== -1); // false

Using search Method

The search method executes a search for a match between a regular expression and this String object.

Syntax !== -1


const str = "Hello, world!";
const substr1 = "world";
const substr2 = "JavaScript";

console.log( !== -1); // true
console.log( !== -1); // false

Using Regular Expressions

Regular expressions (RegExp) can be used for more complex pattern matching. The test method executes a search for a match between a regular expression and a specified string. Returns true or false.


new RegExp(substring).test(string)


const str = "Hello, world!";
const substr1 = "world";
const substr2 = "JavaScript";

console.log(new RegExp(substr1).test(str)); // true
console.log(new RegExp(substr2).test(str)); // false


Checking if a string contains a substring in JavaScript can be accomplished using various methods, including includes, indexOf, search, and regular expressions. Each method has its own advantages and specific use cases:

  • The includes method is straightforward and easy to use.
  • The indexOf method is useful if you also need the position of the substring.
  • The search method is useful when working with regular expressions.
  • Regular expressions are powerful and flexible for complex pattern matching.

By understanding these methods, you can choose the most appropriate one for your specific use case when working with strings in JavaScript.
