Spring Boot Project Ideas for Beginners

Spring Boot has revolutionized how Java applications are developed, offering a simplified, production-ready approach to creating software. It's an excellent starting point for beginners diving into programming with real-world project ideas. This blog post will guide aspiring developers through Spring Boot project ideas designed to build foundational skills, enhance understanding, and prepare them for more advanced challenges. 

Check out 10+ Free Open Source Projects Using Spring Boot.

1. Banking Application


The banking application allows users to create bank accounts with unique identifiers, fetch account details using account IDs, Make deposits and withdrawals, update account balances, transfer funds between accounts, view transaction history and more.


  • Java 17 or later
  • Spring Boot 3
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Hibernate 
  • MySQL Database
  • Spring Security and JWT
  • React JS
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Maven
  • AWS for deployment
Use this tutorial to build a simple version of a banking application: Banking Application using Spring Boot.
Dive into the development of REST APIs for a Library Management System using Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA (Hibernate), and MySQL. This project introduces you to handling data relationships, implementing CRUD operations, and managing user interactions in a library context.

Library Management System with basic functionalities:
  1. Create a new User
  2. Fetch all the Users
  3. Add new book
  4. Fetch all the books
  5. Fetch specific book
  6. Delete a book
  7. Borrow a book
  8. Return a book


  • Java 17 or later
  • Spring Boot for the core application setup and RESTful API development 
  • Spring Data JPA with Hibernate for object-relational mapping and database operations 
  • MySQL for data storage, handling user and book data 
  • Maven or Gradle for project management and dependencies
Use this tutorial to build this library management system application: Library Management System using Spring Boot.

3. Employee Management System 


This project involves building an Employee Management System using Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Thymeleaf, and MySQL database. Spring Boot's opinionated approach simplifies the development process, allowing for the rapid creation of stand-alone, production-grade applications. This project aims to provide a comprehensive learning experience in managing employee data, focusing on creating a secure and functional web application.

Key Features:

List Employee Feature: Display all employees with details
Add Employee Feature: Allow the addition of new employees
Update Employee Feature: Update details of existing employees
Delete Employee Feature: Remove employees from the system
Pagination Feature: Implement pagination for listing employees
Sorting Feature: Sort employee list based on various attributes (e.g., name, department)
Login/Registration Features: Secure login and registration mechanisms for system access
Logout Feature: Securely logout from the application


Spring Boot for the core application framework
Spring MVC for designing the web application's MVC architecture
Spring Security for authentication and authorization, ensuring secure access to the application
Thymeleaf for server-side rendering of HTML views
MySQL for the relational database management system to store employee data

This Employee Management System is an excellent project for beginners and intermediate developers looking to solidify their understanding of Spring Boot and related technologies. By implementing this system, you will gain hands-on experience with Spring's ecosystem, including security, web development, and data handling features.


Follow a step-by-step tutorial to build this Employee Management System application. The guide will take you through setting up your Spring Boot application, configuring Spring Security for authentication, and utilizing Thymeleaf for the web interface. It's a practical way to learn how to integrate various components of the Spring ecosystem in a single application.

4. Personal Budget Tracker


A Personal Budget Tracker allows users to monitor their income, expenses, and savings over time. It's a great project for understanding Spring Boot alongside Spring Data JPA for database interactions and Spring Security for user authentication.

Key Features:

  1. User registration and login
  2. Dashboard to visualize income, expenses, and savings
  3. Categorization of expenses
  4. Monthly budget planning and tracking


  1. Spring Boot for the backend
  2. Spring Data JPA for ORM and database interaction
  3. Spring Security for authentication
  4. Thymeleaf + Bootstrap for the frontend
  5. H2 database for development; MySQL or PostgreSQL for production

5. Health and Fitness App


Developing a Health and Fitness App using Spring Boot, Spring MVC, and MySQL offers a unique opportunity to delve into creating a personal health management system. This project will introduce you to data tracking, user authentication, and interactive reporting, providing a comprehensive learning experience in building a feature-rich web application.

Key Features:

User Registration and Login: A secure authentication system allows users to access their profiles.
Activity Tracking: Allow users to log various activities, such as running, cycling, swimming, etc.
Nutrition Logging: Enable users to keep track of their daily food and caloric intake.
Goal Setting: Users can set fitness goals (e.g., weight loss, distance run, calories burned).
Progress Tracking: Visualize progress towards goals through interactive charts and graphs.
Health Tips: Offer daily health and fitness tips based on user activity and goals.


  • Spring Boot for the backend development, simplifying the setup and deployment process.
  • Spring MVC is used to handle web requests and implement the model-view-controller architecture.
  • Spring Security is used to manage user authentication and secure user data.
  • Thymeleaf for creating dynamic HTML views.
  • MySQL is used to store user data, activities, and nutritional information.
  • Optional: Spring Data JPA for easier database interaction and abstraction.
This project is perfect for those looking to combine their interest in software development with the growing field of digital health. It offers practical experience in handling real-world user data and provides insight into developing applications that positively impact users' lifestyles.

By completing this project, developers will not only gain valuable experience with Spring Boot and its associated technologies but also learn how to create applications that require regular user interaction and personal data management. This skill set is increasingly relevant in today's tech-driven health and wellness sectors.

6. Todo App


A Todo App is a classic project for beginners, but building it with Spring Boot, Spring MVC, and a MySQL database introduces a robust back-end development experience. This project will teach you about handling data, creating a RESTful web service, and integrating a simple front-end.

Key Features:

User Registration and Login: Implement a secure login system to access their personal to-do lists.
Task Management: Users can create, view, update, and delete tasks. Each task can have a title, description, deadline, and priority level.
Categorization: Users can categorize tasks into groups (e.g., personal, work, home) for better organization.
Reminders and Notifications: Set up email or SMS notifications for upcoming deadlines or important tasks.
Filtering and Sorting: Enable filtering tasks by date, priority, or category, as well as sorting tasks to help users manage their time effectively.


Spring Boot for the core application framework simplifies the service's creation and deployment.
Spring MVC is used to manage web requests and implement the MVC pattern for the application architecture.
Spring Security is responsible for handling user authentication and authorization, ensuring secure access to the application.
Thymeleaf or React JS for the front-end development.
MySQL stores user and task data, providing a reliable back-end database.

7. User Registration and Login Module


A User Registration and Login Module is fundamental to most web applications and offers a great way to learn about securing applications and managing user data. By developing this module with Spring Boot, Spring Security, Hibernate, and Thymeleaf, you'll be exposed to a stack widely used in the industry for building robust and secure web applications.

Key Features:

User Registration: Allow new users to register by providing details such as name, email, and password. Implement validation for user data.
User Login: Authenticate users based on their credentials. Use Spring Security to manage authentication and session management.
Password Encryption: Store passwords securely using password hashing and encryption provided by Spring Security.
Role-Based Access Control: Implement different user roles (e.g., ADMIN, USER) and restrict access to certain application parts based on these roles.
Forgot Password: Provide a feature for users to reset their password if forgotten, typically involving email verification.
Profile Management: Allow users to view and edit their profile information after logging in.


Spring Boot 3 for the core framework, facilitating rapid application development and deployment.
Spring MVC 6 for implementing the Model-View-Controller architecture and managing web requests and responses.
Spring Security 6 for authentication, authorization, and security features.
Hibernate 6 for ORM and database interaction, simplifying data access and manipulation.
Thymeleaf 3 for server-side rendering of HTML views, creating a dynamic and interactive user experience.
MySQL 8 for the database, storing user information and credentials.
Maven for project management, handling dependencies and project lifecycle.


To build this User Registration and Login Module, follow a comprehensive tutorial that guides you through setting up your Spring Boot application, configuring Spring Security for user authentication, and using Hibernate for database operations. The tutorial will also cover creating the front-end views with Thymeleaf, offering a full-stack development experience.

8. Student Management System

Building a Student Management System web application is a practical project for understanding web development essentials with Spring Boot and related technologies. This project focuses on implementing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for a Student entity, which is central to managing student information in any educational institution's database.

Key Features:

Student Registration: Add new students to the system with details like name, email, course, and enrollment date.
List Students: Display a list of all registered students with their details.
Edit Student Information: Update details of existing students.
Delete Student: Remove student records from the system.
Search Functionality: Search for students by name, course, or other attributes.
Pagination: Implement pagination for the list of students to enhance usability.

Tools and Technologies:

Java 17 is the programming language.
Spring Boot 3 is used to simplify the setup and development of new Spring applications.
Spring MVC is used to handle web requests and employ the MVC architecture.
Spring Data JPA (Hibernate) for database operations and managing the persistence layer.
MySQL is a relational database that stores student information.
Thymeleaf for server-side rendering of HTML views, enabling dynamic content display.
Eclipse STS is the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for project development and management.

Development Steps:

Setup Spring Boot Project: Use Spring Initializr or your IDE to set up a new Spring Boot project with the specified dependencies.
Configure MySQL Database: Connect your application to a MySQL database and configure the necessary properties.
Define the Student Entity: Create a Student class annotated with JPA annotations to map it to a database table.
Repository Layer: Implement a Spring Data JPA repository interface for CRUD operations on the Student entity.
Service Layer: Develop a service layer to handle the business logic of student management.
Controller Layer: Create a Spring MVC controller to handle HTTP requests for managing students.
View Layer: Use Thymeleaf to design HTML templates for displaying and managing student information.

This Student Management System project offers a comprehensive learning experience. It covers various aspects of application development, from back-end logic with Spring Boot to front-end design with Thymeleaf. By completing this project, you'll gain a solid understanding of building and deploying a full-stack web application using the Spring framework.

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