Convert Set to List in Java

1. Introduction

Converting a Set to a List is a common operation in Java when working with collections. This conversion can be necessary for various reasons, such as needing list-specific functionalities like random access to elements by index. There are multiple ways to achieve this conversion, leveraging Java's rich collections framework and stream API. This blog post will explore different methods of converting a Set to a List in Java.

2. Program Steps

1. Create a Set of elements.

2. Convert the Set to a List using the ArrayList constructor.

3. Convert the Set to a List using Java Stream API.

4. Display the original Set and the converted Lists to illustrate the conversions.

3. Code Program

import java.util.*;

public class SetToListConversion {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creating a Set with some elements
        Set<String> fruitSet = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("Apple", "Banana", "Cherry", "Date"));

        // Method 1: Converting Set to List using the ArrayList constructor
        List<String> fruitList1 = new ArrayList<>(fruitSet);

        // Method 2: Converting Set to List using Java Stream API
        List<String> fruitList2 =;

        // Displaying the original Set
        System.out.println("Original Set: " + fruitSet);

        // Displaying the converted Lists
        System.out.println("Converted List using ArrayList constructor: " + fruitList1);
        System.out.println("Converted List using Stream API: " + fruitList2);


Original Set: [Date, Cherry, Banana, Apple]
Converted List using ArrayList constructor: [Date, Cherry, Banana, Apple]
Converted List using Stream API: [Date, Cherry, Banana, Apple]


1. The program begins by importing the necessary classes from the java.util package for working with collections and the class for collecting stream results.

2. A Set named fruitSet is created and initialized with an array of strings representing different fruits. The HashSet is used to create the Set, and it is initialized using Arrays.asList() for convenience.

3. To convert the Set to a List, the first method demonstrated uses the ArrayList constructor that accepts a Collection argument. This method directly copies all elements from the Set into a new ArrayList.

4. The second method uses the Stream API. The stream() method converts the Set into a Stream, and the collect(Collectors.toList()) terminal operation collects the elements of the stream into a new List.

5. The original Set and the Lists created using both methods are then printed to the console. This shows that all elements from the Set have been successfully transferred to the Lists.

6. These examples illustrate two different ways to convert a Set to a List in Java, highlighting the flexibility of Java's collections framework and Stream API in handling such common collection operations.
