Convert List to Set in Java

1. Introduction

Converting a List to a Set in Java is a frequent operation that helps eliminate duplicates and prepare data for operations that require the Set's properties. Java provides several ways to perform this conversion, each useful in different contexts. This blog post will explore various methods to convert a List to a Set, demonstrating the versatility of Java's Collections Framework and Stream API.

2. Program Steps

1. Create a List of elements with potential duplicates.

2. Convert the List to a Set using the HashSet constructor.

3. Convert the List to a Set using Java Stream API.

4. Display the original List and the converted Sets to illustrate the conversion and the elimination of duplicates.

3. Code Program

import java.util.*;

public class ListToSetConversion {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creating a List with some duplicate elements
        List<String> fruitList = Arrays.asList("Apple", "Banana", "Cherry", "Apple", "Date", "Banana");

        // Method 1: Converting List to Set using the HashSet constructor
        Set<String> fruitSet1 = new HashSet<>(fruitList);

        // Method 2: Converting List to Set using Java Stream API
        Set<String> fruitSet2 =;

        // Displaying the original List
        System.out.println("Original List: " + fruitList);

        // Displaying the converted Sets
        System.out.println("Converted Set using HashSet constructor: " + fruitSet1);
        System.out.println("Converted Set using Stream API: " + fruitSet2);


Original List: [Apple, Banana, Cherry, Apple, Date, Banana]
Converted Set using HashSet constructor: [Date, Cherry, Banana, Apple]
Converted Set using Stream API: [Date, Cherry, Banana, Apple]


1. The program starts by importing necessary classes from the java.util package for working with lists and sets, and the class for collecting stream results.

2. A List named fruitList is created and initialized with an array of strings representing different fruits, including duplicates. The Arrays.asList() method is used for convenience.

3. The first method demonstrated uses the HashSet constructor to convert the List to a Set and eliminate duplicates. This method takes the List as an argument, and since a Set cannot contain duplicate elements, any duplicates in the List are automatically removed.

4. The second method uses the Stream API. The stream() method converts the List into a Stream, and the collect(Collectors.toSet()) terminal operation collects the elements of the stream into a new Set, also removing any duplicates.

5. The original List and the Sets created using both methods are then printed to the console. This illustrates how the conversion process not only changes the collection type but also eliminates any duplicate elements.

6. These examples showcase two effective ways to convert a List to a Set in Java, highlighting the ease with which Java's Collections Framework and Stream API can be used to manipulate collections.
