Java I/O Quiz - MCQ - Multiple Choice Questions

Welcome to our Java I/O quiz! In this blog post, we present a set of 10+ Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) to test your knowledge of Java Input/Output (I/O) concepts. 

Java I/O is an essential part of Java programming that deals with reading from and writing to various data sources. Let's put your understanding of Java I/O to the test and enhance your skills in handling input and output operations.

Learn everything about Java Input/Output: Java IO (Input/Output) Tutorial

Learn and Master Java Programming: Learn Java Programming with Examples

Check out 100+ quiz questions: 100+ Quiz Questions to Test Your Java, Spring Boot, Microservices, Hibernate, REST API Skills

The answer and explanation of each question have given at the end of this post.

1. What does I/O stand for in Java? 

a) Input/Output 

b) Inheritance/Overriding 

c) Integer/Object 

d) Iteration/Observation 

2. Which class is used to read characters from a character-based input stream in Java? 

a) InputStreamReader

b) FileReader 

c) BufferedReader 

d) Scanner 

3. Which class is used to write characters to a character-based output stream in Java? 

a) OutputStreamWriter 

b) FileWriter 

c) BufferedWriter 

d) PrintWriter 

4. What is the purpose of a FileInputStream in Java? 

a) To read text files 

b) To write binary files 

c) To read binary files 

d) To write text files 

5. Which class is used to read primitive data types from an input stream in Java? 

a) DataInputStream 

b) ObjectInputStream 

c) InputStream 

d) Scanner 

6. Which class is used to write primitive data types to an output stream in Java? 

a) DataOutputStream 

b) ObjectOutputStream 

c) OutputStream 

d) PrintWriter

7. What is the purpose of the File class in Java I/O? 

a) To perform mathematical calculations 

b) To handle database operations 

c) To manipulate files and directories 

d) To interact with network sockets 

8. Which class is used to zip files and directories in Java? 

a) ZipOutputStream 

b) GZIPOutputStream 

c) DeflaterOutputStream 

d) ZipFile 

9. Which class is used to read and write text in a specified character encoding in Java? 

a) Charset 

b) Reader 

c) Writer 

d) InputStreamReader 

10. What is the purpose of a ByteArrayOutputStream in Java? 

a) To write binary data to an output stream 

b) To read binary data from an input stream 

c) To convert characters to bytes 

d) To store binary data in memory 

11. Which class is used to read text from the console in Java? 

a) SystemInReader 

b) ConsoleReader 

c) InputStreamReader 

d) Scanner 

12. What is the purpose of a FilterInputStream in Java I/O? 

a) To read characters from an input stream 

b) To write characters to an output stream 

c) To perform additional operations on an input stream 

d) To perform additional operations on an output stream

13. Which package is used for basic I/O operations in Java? 

a) java.lang 


c) java.util 

d) java.nio

Answers and Explanations

Question 1


a) Input/Output. 


I/O stands for Input/Output in Java. It refers to the process of reading data from input sources and writing data to output destinations. 

Question 2


c) BufferedReader. 


The BufferedReader class is used to read characters from a character-based input stream efficiently. It provides buffering capabilities, which improve performance by reducing the number of I/O operations. 

Question 3


b) FileWriter. 


The FileWriter class is used to write characters to a character-based output stream. It allows developers to write text data to a file, appending or overwriting the existing content. 

Question 4


c) To read binary files.


The FileInputStream class in Java is used to read binary files. It provides a way to read bytes of data from a file, which is useful for handling non-textual data or binary file formats. 

Question 5


a) DataInputStream. 


The DataInputStream class is used to read primitive data types from an input stream. It provides methods to read data types like int, double, boolean, etc., from the stream. 

Question 6


a) DataOutputStream. 


The DataOutputStream class is used to write primitive data types to an output stream. It provides methods to write data types like int, double, boolean, etc., to the stream.

Question 7

c) To manipulate files and directories. 

The File class in Java I/O is used to manipulate files and directories. It provides methods to create, delete, rename, and traverse directories, as well as to perform file-related operations. 

Question 8

a) ZipOutputStream. 

The ZipOutputStream class is used to create zip files in Java. It allows developers to compress multiple files and directories into a single zip file for efficient storage or transmission.

Question 9

d) InputStreamReader. 

The InputStreamReader class is used to read text from an input stream in a specified character encoding. It allows developers to specify the desired character encoding when reading text data.

Question 10

d) To store binary data in memory. 

The ByteArrayOutputStream class is used to store binary data in memory. It provides a byte array that can be accessed and manipulated. 

Question 11

d) Scanner. 

The Scanner class is used to read text from the console in Java. It provides methods to read different data types, such as int, double, and String, from the console. 

Question 12

c) To perform additional operations on an input stream. 

The FilterInputStream class is an abstract class used to perform additional operations on an input stream. It provides a base class for creating custom input stream filters.

Question 13


The package provides classes for performing basic I/O operations in Java. It includes classes for reading and writing characters, bytes, and objects.


Congratulations on completing our Java I/O quiz! We hope you found it informative and enjoyed testing your knowledge of Java Input/Output concepts. Java I/O plays a crucial role in handling input and output operations in various scenarios. 
Keep exploring and practicing Java I/O to enhance your skills and become proficient in working with different data sources.
