Spring Boot + Apache Kafka Tutorial - #14 - Real-World Project Overview - Create Two Microservices

Welcome to Spring Boot + Apache Kafka Tutorial series. In this lecture, we will start creating a real-world project using Spring Boot and Kafka. In the next upcoming lecture, we will see the best use case of Apache Kafka.

Lecture - #14 - Real-World Project Overview - Create Two Microservices


Hi. Welcome back. In this lecture, we'll take a look at the overview of a real-world project. Well, basically, we're going to develop a real-world project to demonstrate the usage of Spring Boot and Apache Kafka. Well, here is our project goal. Well, basically we're going to read a huge amount of real-time stream data from the Wikimedia to the database Okay. And if we can see the architecture, we're here. So we're going to create a Kafka producer which will read real-time stream data from the Wikimedia and then it will write that data to the Kafka broker and then we create a Kafka consumer which will consume the real-time stream data from the Kafka broker and then it will write to the database. So this is how the workflow for this project. Well, this real-world project is a best use case to demonstrate the usage of Apache Kafka, because basically, we use Apache Kafka to deal with a large amount of data Right. In this real world project, we're going to see how to create a Kafka Producer to read a large amount of real-time stream data from the Wikimedia and then it will write that data to the Kafka broker and then we'll see how to write a Kafka consumer to consume that real-time stream data from the Kafka broker and then it will write to the database. Okay, so this is how the architecture for this real-world project. Well, let's head over to this link, and let's see how the real-time data looks like. So let me go to the browser and let me hit this link in the browser and you can able to see this is a large amount of data. So whatever the users, you know, do the changes in the Wikimedia that will be retrived by using this REST API. Well, if we can closely observe this real-time Wikimedia data, it has the events Okay. So whenever a user makes a change in the Wikimedia that the entry will be stored as an event in the Wikimedia server and by using this REST API, we can fetch all the users who made recent changes to the Wikimedia Okay. Well, let me show you a couple of demos for this real-time Wikimedia Stream data so here you can see someone has created this user interface. It behind the scene uses real time stream data Okay. You can see here the real-time data records are displayed here. So whatever the changes the user made in a given Wikimedia, those changes would be, you know, reflected over here. And these are the charts and you can find the real time data changes in this chart. So another demo example you can see someone has written the HTML and JavaScript code to produce user interface. Well, this sample demo behind the scene reads real-time Wikimedia Stream data and it will display that data here in a user interface. Well, in this real-time project, we'll see how to use a apache Kafka broker to read the real-time stream data from the Wikimedia and then write to the database. All right, great. I will see you in the next lecture.
