Java Free E-Commerce Open Source Projects using Spring Boot + React + Angular + Microservices | Download

In this post, I am going to share a few free e-commerce open-source projects developed using Java, Spring Boot, React, Angular, microservices, etc. The source code of these projects is available on GitHub for download. You can use these e-commerce projects for learning purposes.

1. shopizer

Java open-source e-commerce software

  • Shopping cart
  • Catalogue
  • Search
  • Checkout
  • Administration

See the demo:

The below sample screenshots show the demo of this application:



shopizer signin page

GitHub Repository -

Demo -

2. E-Commerce - Shopping Cart

In this project, you will build an e-commerce application using Java, JHipster, Spring Boot, and React. 
This project focuses on building a shopping cart and payment integration rather than how to build a Java web application.

Project overview: Build a persistent shopping cart page where you can list all the items added to the cart by the user. The user can also start checkout from this page. The shopping cart will hold the items added until the payment is complete, even if the user logs out or uses the application on a different machine, as the state is persisted automatically using the generated CRUD API.

Here is the screenshot of this demo application:
E-Commerce - Shopping Cart

Make Payment Page:

Complete tutorial to build this project Building an E-Commerce application using Java & React

3. BookStoreApp-Distributed-Application

This e-commerce project is being developed using Spring Boot Microservices, Spring Cloud (Backend), and React (Frontend). The e-commerce functionality is being split into various individual microservices so that they can be distributed, scale well, and use resources efficiently.

This is an E-commerce project where users can add books to their cart and buy them.
The application is being developed using Java, Spring, and React.
Using Spring Cloud Microservices and Spring Boot Framework extensively to make this application distributed.


All the Microservices are developed using Spring Boot. This Spring Boot application will be registered with the Eureka discovery server.
FrontEnd React App makes requests to the NGINX server, which acts as a reverse proxy. NGINX server redirects the requests to the Zuul API Gateway.
Zuul will route the requests to microservices based on the URL route. While routing the request, Zuul also registers with Eureka and gets the IP/domain from Eureka for microservices.

4. BookStore App

An online book store is a single-page (SPA) web application built from scratch using Angular 8 and Java Spring Boot with a MySQL database.

Sample UI:

If you know of any open-source Spring Boot Angular projects that are useful for others, please provide links in a comment section.
Learn and master in spring boot on Master in Spring Boot
Learn and master in Spring framework on Master in Spring Framework

5. Shopping Cart App

This is a shopping cart application developed using Microservice Architecture with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.

Here are the microservices:
  1. catalog-service: It provides REST API to provide catalog information like products.
  2. inventory-service: It provides a REST API to manage product inventory.
  3. cart-service: It provides a REST API to hold the customer cart details.
  4. order-service: It provides a REST API to manage orders.
  5. customer-service: It provides a REST API to manage customer information.
  6. shoppingcart-ui: It is a customer-facing front-end web application.
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