Java: Convert Map to Set

Converting a map to a set is a common task in Java, often needed to work with the keys, values, or entries of the map as sets. This guide will cover how to convert a map to a set, including converting keys to a set, values to a set, and entries to a set.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Converting Map Keys to Set
  3. Converting Map Values to Set
  4. Converting Map Entries to Set
  5. Conclusion


In Java, a Map is a collection that maps keys to values, with each key mapping to at most one value. A Set is a collection that contains no duplicate elements. Converting a map to a set allows you to work with the keys, values, or entries in a manner that enforces uniqueness.

Converting Map Keys to Set

To convert the keys of a map to a set, you can use the keySet method provided by the Map interface.


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public class MapToSetExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("apple", 1);
        map.put("banana", 2);
        map.put("cherry", 3);

        // Convert map keys to set
        Set<String> keySet = map.keySet();

        System.out.println("Map: " + map);
        System.out.println("Set of keys: " + keySet);


  • A HashMap is created and populated with key-value pairs.
  • The keySet method is called on the map to get a set of the keys.
  • The resulting set contains all the keys from the map.


Map: {apple=1, banana=2, cherry=3}
Set of keys: [apple, banana, cherry]

Converting Map Values to Set

To convert the values of a map to a set, you can use the values method provided by the Map interface and then create a new HashSet from the collection of values.


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public class MapToSetExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("apple", 1);
        map.put("banana", 2);
        map.put("cherry", 3);

        // Convert map values to set
        Set<Integer> valueSet = new HashSet<>(map.values());

        System.out.println("Map: " + map);
        System.out.println("Set of values: " + valueSet);


  • A HashMap is created and populated with key-value pairs.
  • The values method is called on the map to get a collection of the values.
  • A new HashSet is created from the collection of values, resulting in a set of the values.


Map: {apple=1, banana=2, cherry=3}
Set of values: [1, 2, 3]

Converting Map Entries to Set

To convert the entries of a map to a set, you can use the entrySet method provided by the Map interface.


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public class MapToSetExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put("apple", 1);
        map.put("banana", 2);
        map.put("cherry", 3);

        // Convert map entries to set
        Set<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> entrySet = map.entrySet();

        System.out.println("Map: " + map);
        System.out.println("Set of entries: " + entrySet);


  • A HashMap is created and populated with key-value pairs.
  • The entrySet method is called on the map to get a set of the entries.
  • The resulting set contains all the key-value pairs from the map as Map.Entry objects.


Map: {apple=1, banana=2, cherry=3}
Set of entries: [apple=1, banana=2, cherry=3]


Converting a map to a set in Java can be accomplished in various ways, depending on whether you want to work with the keys, values, or entries of the map. The keySet method provides a simple way to get a set of the keys, the values method combined with a HashSet allows you to get a set of the values, and the entrySet method provides a set of the entries. Depending on your specific use case and requirements, you can choose the method that best fits your needs.


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