Top Maven Plugins for Java Developers

Maven is a powerful build automation tool primarily used for Java projects. One of its key strengths is its extensibility through plugins, which provide the functionality to automate various tasks during the build process. Here, we will discuss some of the most essential Maven plugins for Java developers, providing an overview of each and how to use them effectively.

Apache Maven Compiler Plugin

The Maven Compiler Plugin is used to compile the source code of a Maven project. It is automatically included in the build process.



Maven Surefire Plugin

The Maven Surefire Plugin is used to run unit tests during the build lifecycle. It is typically bound to the test phase.



Maven Failsafe Plugin

The Maven Failsafe Plugin is used to run integration tests. It is typically bound to the integration-test and verify phases.



Apache Maven Clean Plugin

The Maven Clean Plugin is used to remove the target directory (i.e., the directory where Maven builds the project) to ensure a clean build.



Apache Maven Install Plugin

The Maven Install Plugin is used to install the built project into the local repository, making it available for use as a dependency in other projects locally.



Apache Maven Deploy Plugin

The Maven Deploy Plugin is used to deploy the built project to a remote repository for sharing with other developers and projects.



Apache Maven Site Plugin

The Maven Site Plugin generates a site for the project, including reports, Javadocs, and other documentation.



Apache Maven Assembly Plugin

The Maven Assembly Plugin is used to create distributable archives, such as ZIP or TAR files, containing the project's binaries, dependencies, and other resources.



Maven Shade Plugin

The Maven Shade Plugin is used to package the project along with its dependencies into a single executable JAR file.



Apache Maven Checkstyle Plugin

The Maven Checkstyle Plugin is used to enforce coding standards by performing static code analysis.



Apache Maven Dependency Plugin

The Maven Dependency Plugin provides utility goals to manipulate artifacts in the local repository, as well as dependency resolution and handling.



Apache Maven Help Plugin

The Maven Help Plugin provides goals to get documentation and other helpful information about the build.



Apache Maven PMD Plugin

The Maven PMD Plugin is used to run the PMD code analysis tool on the project source code, identifying potential defects and enforcing coding standards.



Apache Maven Resources Plugin

The Maven Resources Plugin handles the copying of project resources (e.g., property files) to the output directory.



Apache Maven Source Plugin

The Maven Source Plugin is used to create a JAR file containing the source code of the project.



Apache Maven WAR Plugin

The Maven WAR Plugin is used to build Web Application Archive (WAR) files from your project. It compiles and packages web applications into a deployable WAR file.




Example: Simple JSP File

  1. Create a webapp directory structure inside src/main/:
mkdir -p src/main/webapp/WEB-INF
  1. Add a simple hello.jsp file inside src/main/webapp:
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Hello World</title>
    <h1>Hello World!</h1>
  1. Configure your Maven pom.xml to use the WAR plugin as shown above.

Deploying to Tomcat

  1. Ensure Tomcat is installed and running.
  2. Package your application using Maven:
mvn clean package
  1. Copy the generated WAR file from the target directory to the Tomcat webapps directory.
cp target/your-app-name.war /path/to/tomcat/webapps/
  1. Restart Tomcat and access the application via http://localhost:8080/your-app-name/hello.jsp.


Maven plugins provide powerful capabilities for automating various aspects of the build process. By leveraging these plugins, Java developers can ensure consistent and efficient project builds, testing, and deployments. The plugins discussed in this guide are some of the most commonly used and essential for Java development with Maven. Integrating them into your Maven projects will help streamline your development workflow and maintain high code quality.
