Jersey Rest Hello World Example

In this example, we will learn how to develop a simple Jersey Rest hello world example.
JAX-RS Specification is the Java API for RESTful web services. Jersey is the open source reference implementation of Java JAX-RS specification. It provides a Java library using which we can easily create RESTful web services in Java platform. JAX-RS / Jersey supports JAXB based XML bindings as well.

Technologies and tools used

  • Jersey 2.27
  • JDK 1.8
  • Tomcat 8.5
  • Maven 3.0.3
  • Eclipse Neon
In this tutorial, we have used the latest Jersey version 2.27 with JDK 8. Deployment of a JAX-RS application using @ApplicationPath with Servlet 3.0 ( use @ApplicationPath("resources") annotation to configure Jersey Servlet Container).

Development Steps

  1. Create Maven Web Application Project
  2. Project Packaging Structure
  3. Update Jersey Dependencies in a Pom.Xml File
  4. Create Resource -
  5. Descriptor-Less Deployment Configuration
  6. Build and Deployment
  7. Conclusion

1. Create a Maven Web Application Project

Use How to Create a Web Project Using Maven in Eclipse - In this article, we will show you how to create a web project or application using maven in Eclipse IDE.

2. Project Packaging Structure

In a typical Jersey application, the project packaging structure may look:

3. Update Jersey Dependencies in a Pom.Xml File

    <name>jersey-helloworld-example Maven Webapp</name>

4. Create Resource -

package com.javadevelopersguide.jersey.helloworld;



public class HelloWorldResource {

    public String helloworld() {
        return "Helloworld !!!!";

5. Descriptor-Less Deployment Configuration

Here are multiple deployment options in the Servlet 3.0 container for a JAX-RS application defined by implementing a custom Application subclass. For simple deployments, no web.xml is necessary at all.
Instead, an @ApplicationPath annotation can be used to annotate the custom Application subclass and define the base application URI for all JAX-RS resources configured in the application:
package com.javadevelopersguide.jersey.config;


import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig;

public class MyApplication extends ResourceConfig {
    public JerseyServletContainerConfig() {
        // if there are more than two packanges then separate them with semicolon
        // exmaple : packages(";");

6. Build and Deployment

Let's build this maven project using the following maven command:
mvn clean install
Or, you can build from Eclipse IDE - Right click on a project -> Run As -> Maven Build and enter below command in the wizard:
clean install
Once, build successful, then deploy this project in apache tomcat server 8.5. Once the application is up and running, type http://localhost:8080/jersey-helloworld-example/ link in a browser will show below output:

7. Conclusion

This guide illustrated how to implement a simple hello world example using the latest jersey rest 2.27 and ResourceConfig @ApplicationPath annotation based configuration.
All the code of this article is available over on Github. This is a Maven-based project, so it should be easy to import and run as it is.


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