Java Interface


In Java, an interface is a reference type, similar to a class, that can contain only constants, method signatures, default methods, static methods, and nested types. Interfaces cannot contain instance fields or constructors. They provide a way to achieve abstraction and multiple inheritance in Java. An interface is a contract that a class can implement, specifying what methods the class must provide.

Key Points:

  • Abstraction: Interfaces provide a way to define abstract types.
  • Multiple Inheritance: A class can implement multiple interfaces.
  • Default Methods: Java 8 introduced default methods, which allow interfaces to have methods with implementations.
  • Static Methods: Interfaces can also have static methods.
  • Functional Interfaces: Interfaces with a single abstract method can be used as functional interfaces.

Table of Contents

  1. Defining an Interface
  2. Implementing an Interface
  3. Default Methods
  4. Static Methods
  5. Functional Interfaces
  6. Real-World Example
  7. Conclusion

1. Defining an Interface

An interface is defined using the interface keyword. It can contain method signatures, default methods, static methods, and constants.


public interface Animal {
    // Constant
    int DEFAULT_AGE = 1;

    // Abstract method
    void makeSound();

    // Default method
    default void eat() {

    // Static method
    static void sleep() {


  • DEFAULT_AGE: A constant defined in the interface.
  • makeSound(): An abstract method that must be implemented by any class that implements the interface.
  • eat(): A default method with a provided implementation.
  • sleep(): A static method that can be called without an instance of a class implementing the interface.

2. Implementing an Interface

A class implements an interface using the implements keyword. The class must provide implementations for all abstract methods in the interface.


public class Dog implements Animal {
    public void makeSound() {

public class InterfaceExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Dog dog = new Dog();
        dog.makeSound();  // Outputs: Bark;        // Outputs: Eating...
        Animal.sleep();   // Outputs: Sleeping...


  • Dog: A class that implements the Animal interface and provides an implementation for the makeSound() method.
  • InterfaceExample: A class with a main method to test the Dog class.

3. Default() Methods

Default methods allow an interface to have methods with implementations. This helps to provide additional functionalities to interfaces without breaking the implementing classes.


public interface Animal {
    void makeSound();

    default void eat() {


  • eat(): A default method with an implementation. Classes that implement the Animal interface can use this method directly or override it.

4. Static() Methods

Interfaces can have static methods, which are called on the interface itself rather than on instances of the implementing classes.


public interface Animal {
    void makeSound();

    static void sleep() {


  • sleep(): A static method that can be called using Animal.sleep().

5. Functional Interfaces

A functional interface is an interface with a single abstract method. Functional interfaces can be used as the assignment target for lambda expressions or method references.


public interface Greeting {
    void sayHello();

public class FunctionalInterfaceExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Greeting greeting = () -> System.out.println("Hello, World!");
        greeting.sayHello();  // Outputs: Hello, World!


  • Greeting: A functional interface with a single abstract method sayHello().
  • FunctionalInterfaceExample: A class demonstrating the use of a lambda expression to implement the Greeting interface.

6. Real-World Example

Let's create a real-world example with multiple interfaces and a class that implements them.


public interface Animal {
    void makeSound();
    void eat();

public interface Pet {
    void play();

public class Dog implements Animal, Pet {
    public void makeSound() {

    public void eat() {
        System.out.println("Dog is eating");

    public void play() {
        System.out.println("Dog is playing");

public class RealWorldExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Dog dog = new Dog();
        dog.makeSound();  // Outputs: Bark;        // Outputs: Dog is eating;       // Outputs: Dog is playing


  • Animal: An interface with abstract methods makeSound() and eat().
  • Pet: An interface with an abstract method play().
  • Dog: A class that implements both Animal and Pet interfaces.
  • RealWorldExample: A class with a main method to test the Dog class.

7. Conclusion

Interfaces in Java provide a powerful way to achieve abstraction and multiple inheritance. By using interfaces, you can define contracts that classes must adhere to, allowing for more flexible and maintainable code. Understanding default methods, static methods, and functional interfaces can help you leverage the full potential of Java interfaces in your applications.


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