ByteArrayInputStream Class in Java

In this article, we will understand how to use ByteArrayInputStream class in Java. 

1. Introduction to ByteArrayInputStream 

The ByteArrayInputStream class, part of the package, is an implementation of the InputStream that uses a byte array as its source. It allows us to read bytes from a byte array as though it were a stream. 

2. Constructing and Using a ByteArrayInputStream Initialization

You can create a ByteArrayInputStream instance by providing a byte array.

byte[] source = {10, 20, 30};
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(source);

Reading Bytes: 

You can read bytes from the stream using the read() method.

int data =;  // This will read the first byte (10 in this case)

Reading Bytes: 

You can read bytes from the stream using the read() method.

byte[] buffer = new byte[2];
int bytesRead =;  // This reads two bytes, so buffer will contain {20, 30}

3. Benefits of ByteArrayInputStream 

Memory-Efficient: Since it operates on in-memory byte arrays, there's no I/O overhead related to file systems or networks. 

Versatile: Perfect for scenarios where data is already available as a byte array and needs to be processed as a stream. 

4. Key Features Mark and Reset

ByteArrayInputStream supports the mark() and reset() methods. You can mark a position in the stream and return to it later.

// read some bytes...
bais.reset();  // This brings us back to the marked position

Available Bytes: 

Use the available() method to check how many bytes are available to be read.

int available = bais.available();

5. When to Use ByteArrayInputStream 

Memory Operations: Use ByteArrayInputStream when you need to read from a byte array in memory as if it were an input stream. It's especially useful when testing or working with pre-defined byte data without accessing external sources. 

Stream Integration: If you have a byte array and want to integrate it with APIs or functionalities that expect an InputStream, ByteArrayInputStream acts as a bridge, allowing you to treat byte arrays like streams. 

Data Duplication: ByteArrayInputStream is handy when you need multiple successive reads from the same set of bytes. Unlike file or network streams, you can reread from a ByteArrayInputStream without side effects, making it suitable for repeated operations on the same data. 

Remember, ByteArrayInputStream operates on in-memory data, so it's fast and doesn't involve any I/O operations. However, for large datasets, always be mindful of memory usage.

6. Complete Code

Let's combine all the steps into a single ByteArrayInputStreamExample class and then produce the output for each step:

public class ByteArrayInputStreamExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Step 2: Initialization
        byte[] source = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
        ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(source);

        // Reading Single Byte
        int data =;
        System.out.println("First byte read from the stream: " + data);  // Outputs: 10

        // Reading Multiple Bytes
        byte[] buffer = new byte[2];
        int bytesRead =;
        System.out.print("Next two bytes read from the stream: ");
        for (byte b : buffer) {
            System.out.print(b + " ");  // Outputs: 20 30

        // Mark and Reset
        bais.mark(0);;  // Reading one byte (which would be 40 in this case)
        bais.reset();  // Resetting to the marked position

        // Available Bytes
        int available = bais.available();
        System.out.println("Number of bytes available to be read: " + available);  // Outputs: 2

        // Read the remaining bytes to demonstrate reset functionality
        byte[] remaining = new byte[available];;
        System.out.print("Bytes read after resetting: ");
        for (byte b : remaining) {
            System.out.print(b + " ");  // Outputs: 40 50

        // Closing the stream
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("Error closing the stream: " + e.getMessage());

// Sample Output:
// First byte read from the stream: 10
// Next two bytes read from the stream: 20 30
// Number of bytes available to be read: 2
// Bytes read after resetting: 40 50

Executing this class will display the various operations performed using the ByteArrayInputStream and the results of each step.

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